Batman x Batgirl

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And it all begins, the world ended, Dick and Jason broke my heart, fuck them, I am fucking Batman or Drake, Dick married Cat Women, Jason got Artemis and I will take Bruce, okay everyone is dead, i felt closer to Bruce than Grayson and Jason, both ungrateful and thankless, I am in my 20s and Bruce is his 30s, he is 33 and i am 29, and he is not the only boyfriend i have, i have dated some normal people too, in their youth and now, Batman became King Batman, taking a Serum and defeating the Assassins (Lady Shiva, David Cain, Anarchy, Firefly, Clown Hunters and Deadshot), cutting the heads of Lady Shiva and David Cain, Batman revealed himself as Bruce Wayne and made a Motorcycle Club called the Death Fighters and began ruling Gotham, Metropolis, Central City, Star City & Many More, with Cyborg and Flash gone now, Batman recruited Penguin, Black Mask, Carmine Falcon & Mad Hatter into his cause, defeated Bane and freed him off Venom, turned Killer Croc, Solomon Grundy & Clay Face Human again, Universe which was once a space with floating planets became a roadway connecting planets, the planets fell from orbit into barren land in the bottom of the universe as Darkseid returned the Universe to the original form till Ares and Wonder Woman and Maxwell Lord defeated him, only Ares survived and took over Greece and Italia. 

I finally had a heated argument with Bruce on the rooftop, with Pa Kent and Ma Kent having more children and adopting Conner Kent, Red Robin and Robin returning, Mr Freeze joining the alliance since Nora died, Victor Freeze lost her in the end, Victor Freeze was emotionally attached a lot and now, he became a Human again, Deathstroke and Joker and Lex Luthor were killed, Harley Quinn kissed Bruce public was stunned and I was angry at that and a mishap happened at our workplace too atop it with some henchmen getting away, minors do not see rooftops often, a good thing and i got into a verbal altercation with Bruce, and it ended with me giving a Lucha Libre Frankenstein and Kissing him, he grabbed my butt and said to me as he called me Queen Oracle and I took my clothes off and have sexual intercourse with him, he had a long bat dick and a conversation stuck. 

I said "What does Batgirl mean Dick, i mean you have a pretty good and big dick, fills me in, sorry i fell for Jason and Dick, both were pricks who are thankless, and I am realising if not you, Drake is the one for me or maybe Arsenal"

He said "King Batman can take as many as he wants to, you can fuck Drake later, in other worlds, he is my sidekick or son, this young man is doing a good job at being a protector, vigilante and superhero then I ever was, is a Lie, he is leagues below me after all, Selina and Dick can go fuck each other, sad Starfire married another dude, Blackfire too, many Villains did that" 

I said "Talia, Laurel, Silver and Vicki Vale would not be happy"

He said "Batgirl, you know the meaning, Batman's Girlfriend or Sister, you are not my little sister, but my little fucker, my little girlfriend, red hair and green eyes would produce a good heir, my natural hair color are blonde and my eyes are blue, i dye them brown for some reason, i cannot remember now" and I sucked his dick, a Bat Job or a Blow Job, and he was shoving my red hair inside the dick, i can feel his semen on my tongue, i wish the children saw that, i wish i was Underage, but Bruce never touches anyone 7 years younger or so, he is 4 to 5 years older then me and I am this Gold Digging Chick, Drake has some good fortune too. 

I went Vaginal and moaned Daddy put a baby in me and become a daddy and he said yes babygirl, time to give me a babygirl and i was pregnant, Batman became my husband and we married, two baby girls later, i began dating Red Robin, Spoiler began dating Bernard his blonde friend. 

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