Batman x Talia Al Ghul

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Damian and the other children of Batman and Talia living life, the dogs and the bats lived happily Talia became the new Batwoman now, as Robin and Respawn began hunting enemies together as Respawn and Robin merged Teen Titans and Young Justice together to battle and combat newer enemies and now, Batman and Batwoman now King Batman and King Batwoman met Viking Bat and Valkyrie Talia who lead a Viking Motorcycle or Biker Club in a Earths Clash, bottom of the universe is where there is a floor from which all planets rose from, the pit called all planets together but another earth sprang up, both Batmen and Batwomen fought and defeated Batman who Laughs & Doomsday Batman, alongside Knight Fall Batman who took over Gotham and killed Azrael, with help of Grim Knight Batman, and finally as all Earth are restored, Batman and Batwoman or Bruce Wayne and Talia Wayne are now spending time in the restored Bahamas & Bhutan, raising Tibetan Mastiff and Caucasian Shepard Dogs while Batman's bikers had an orgy with Female Assassins and Male Assassins had an orgy with the female followers of Batman and now, Batman tied Talia Al Ghul somewhere to a bed post, stripping her clothes off, as Lex Luthor lost 10 Billion and Maxwell Lord lost 50 Billion off his accounts, Superman died saving Sam Lane and Lane Family and Lois died too, Sam Lane died via Old Age, he was buried days ago, finally they were together after all the struggles. 

Batman and Batwoman finally kissed passionately and Talia grabbed the dick of Batman, saying it has gotten bigger and harder, Batman grabbed the vagina of Talia and said it has gotten bigger and harder too, to which both of them laugh loudly and now she began kissing the batman and calling him beloved and lover, the wealth was nothing for her, as she wanted Bruce Wayne and now the World was under their feet and palm and a new world was born and now, Batman smiled and made Talia go down and she began sucking the dick and later at Batman laid down, Talia AL Ghul spend hours riding that hard and elongated dick, demanding another child to be born, with Julia, Alfred's niece taking care of the children and now, the children all grew up, and Talia cuddled and did roleplay or foreplay with the Batman, Harley Quinn married Booster Gold as Joker retired and rejoined his own mother, wife and children, away from Gotham City, leaving money to his boys and charity as an act of redemption, Mr Freeze married Poison Ivy, Nora never liked Victor that much and turns out was alive and married Thomas Elliot who now lives as Tom instead.

Batman impregnated Talia Al Ghul again and bit the neck, the earlobe and the vagina, asking for another one soon enough, the league was happy to see Talia and Batman may have another child soon enough but the batman family was upset, having to care for another child as if Damian and Respawn are not enough, Alfred was given a Heroic Statue in London and Manchester England and Batman and Talia walked with Twins, a boy and a girl into Gotham City, as Schools & Colleges were established again, one job is in Gotham, to serve King Bruce and Queen Talia or King Batman and Queen Batwoman. 

Batman fucks Talia AL Ghul once again, this time vagina sex happens, and not vanilla but dominating submission one with Talia screaming daddy Bat again and again, Batman and Talia ruled the world and were immortal, the only way to die was to be killed and all their enemies are now dead or their servants. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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