Chapter 16

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Emily reached the address fifteen minutes later. Anxiously, she approached the main door, wondering if Richard would be home. She wasn't sure why she was avoiding him, but something about him always left her wanting more. She needed to keep her feelings in check before she was ready to look for her husband again.

Mrs. Swan had already informed the gatekeeper about Emily's arrival. He welcomed her and guided her toward the living room door.

The grandeur of the mansion left Emily astounded. Dozens of her houses could fit inside this one.

Mrs. Swan was waiting at the door. She welcomed Emily with a big smile. 'I knew I could rely on you, Emily. Thank you so much for coming.' She shook Emily's hand and brought her inside.

Closing the door behind them, Emily asked, 'Is everything alright, Mrs. Swan?'

'To be honest, I don't know, Emily. It's Master Richard. He's not his usual self. He was fine when he dropped Hayden off in the morning. But when I went to check on him this afternoon, he was... I don't know how to describe it. Come with me, I'll show you.' Mrs. Swan started climbing the stairs.

Emily followed her quietly, unable to process everything. They stopped outside the study door. The crying sounds had stopped.

Mrs. Swan opened the door slightly to peek inside. Richard was on the floor beside the door. 'Has he passed out or is he asleep?' Emily asked in a hushed tone. Mrs. Swan went inside, with Emily right behind her.

'Master Richard? Master Richard?' Mrs. Swan gently tapped his shoulder, but he didn't move.

'Mr. Sterling? Mr. Sterling, wake up,' Emily said gently, but there was no response. "Does he have a fever? His face seems so red," she asked.

Mrs. Swan touched Richard's forehead. It was burning hot. 'I think he fainted because of a high fever,' Mrs. Swan said, worry etched on her face.

'I'll call the doctor,' Emily said quickly, taking her phone out of her pocket. Mrs. Swan held her hand to stop her.

'No, Emily. We can't call a doctor for him without Master Richard's permission,' she said.

'But he's unconscious, Mrs. Swan. He could die if he doesn't get treatment for such a high fever,' Emily said, unable to believe Mrs. Swan's hesitation.

'You don't understand. An uproar will erupt if anyone knows about it. He never lets even the household know if he ever gets sick. And if this reaches Vanessa, we don't know what she will do,' Mrs. Swan explained.

'Being rich has its disadvantages, I must say,' Emily sighed. 'Let's get him onto the sofa first, then we'll think about what to do.'

Emily got up and took Richard's arm, trying to lift him from one side. Mrs. Swan took the other arm, and together they managed to lay him down on the sofa in his study, mostly dragging him along the way.

A phone began to vibrate. Both Emily and Mrs. Swan turned to the source of the buzzing. It was coming from Richard's pocket.

Mrs. Swan took out the phone and saw "Jake" flashing on the screen. 'I don't know who he is. There are 16 missed calls from him now. It's best if we leave it as it is,' she said, putting the phone on the table.

'I'll go get some ice water and sponges. We should try to bring his fever down as soon as possible,' Mrs. Swan said, leaving the room without waiting for Emily's response.

Emily looked at the closed door through which Mrs. Swan had just left, then at the study room, and finally at Richard. She dragged a seat closer to the sofa and sat on it.

Hayden and Lily returned from school. Mrs. Swan took them to the playroom away from the attention of other house helpers.

'What happened, Mrs. Swan? Why am I here and not at home? Is my mom here as well?' Lily asked.

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