Chapter 25

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As he entered Robert's name into the search tab, the screen showed all the videos with Robert in them—the latest being from yesterday.

'Why isn't there any after yesterday?' Richard murmured, clicking on the video.

It showed Robert at the airport, boarding a plane.

'Because he left the country yesterday,' Richard said, his heart pounding.

He saw Robert in the video from the day Vanessa was murdered. Richard hesitated before opening it. The truth could be devastating, and revealing it would mean exposing his secret about the maps.

His hand hovered over the mousepad, indecision paralyzing him. A knock on the study room door startled him. He quickly closed his laptop and opened the door to find Emily standing there.

'Are you okay? Peter told us you've just returned from the police station. Is everything alright?' Emily asked, walking in after Richard.

'Yeah, the officer called to show me some additional CCTV footage from the street,' Richard replied, sitting back in his seat.

'Did they find anything new?' Emily asked, standing by the table across from him.

'A woman. She was taking pictures of the Villa and was seen talking to the masked man in one of the videos. We're still trying to figure out who she is,' Richard said, his heart still racing.

Emily went silent, deep in thought. Richard tried to calm himself, focusing on Emily to ground himself. She was wearing an apron.

'Were you cooking?' Richard asked after a moment of silence.

Richard's question broke Emily's reverie. She stood up, saying, 'Yes, we were preparing dinner. I should get back.'

She turned and left, closing the door behind her. But her mind was still occupied with thoughts about Robert and the mysterious woman.

Richard did not open the laptop again. The weight of the secrets and the fear of the truth kept him frozen in place.

'But if it is Robert, then he has already left the country. How can he be so clean about it?' Richard thought to himself, a frown creasing his forehead.

His phone buzzed, flashing an unknown number on the screen.

'Hello?' Richard answered, his tone cautious.

'Is this Richard Sterling?' asked a voice on the other end.

'Yes. Who is this?' Richard asked, wary.

'I'm Philly from Rivertide Hospital. We're calling about the bodies of Vanessa and Charles, which were submitted under your name. If you wish to keep them in our morgue for an extended period, there are some forms you'll need to sign. Otherwise, please let us know if you'd like them taken out in a few days,' explained the woman.

'No, we don't need to keep them there. We'll have them taken out in two days, probably by this Saturday,'' Richard replied, glancing at his calendar.

'That's great. We expect to see you on Saturday then, Mr. Sterling. Have a nice rest of the day,' Philly replied before hanging up.

Richard stared at his phone, lost in thought. A new dilemma surfaced: 'Should Charles's other wife be informed, or should they proceed with the funeral without her?'

'I'll have to ask Jake tonight,' Richard murmured, feeling the weight of the decision pressing on him. He stood up and headed to his room to change into his home clothes, the question lingering in his mind.

In the evening, Jake arrived a little early. Emily and Mrs. Swan had prepared a lavish dinner. Lily and Hayden's eyes lit up at the sight of the cake and scones.

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