kaiyul fluff

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(a/n: Requested by Val_InTheVoid. Takes place in s2, around episode 4.)

Kai's pov:

I walk through the forest. The weather was very nice. It was cloudy, but there was still a sunray, shining on top of me.

I continued walking. I was headung towards the lake when all of a sudden, I spot Yul.

I try to ignore him, but he walks closer. I just look at him, but I dont say a word. I hate him, but also, he's very hot.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I'm just walking through the forest, chill out." I say.

"Ugh, whatever, listen, I need to tell you something.." He says

"What's up?" I ask.

"So uh, don't hate me for this.. but I wanna be friends." He says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Because honestly, I've been an asshole. I wanna make it right."

"Okay then.. sure."

We smile at each other.

"I should go. My team will be confused about where I went." Yul says.

"Okay, see you."

It had been a few weeks due to a medical emergency Yul had to leave. I would often visit him, and we would talk.

Lately, my feelings have changed. I liked him, more than a friend. Was I ever gonna tell him? Maybe.

Season 2 had ended, and Yul and I waited for the bus to go home.

"Hey Yul, I have to tell you something." I say.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I like you more than a friend." I say.

"Really? Honestly, I've felt the same way." He says.

Without hesitation, I kiss him. He kisses me back. "Sorry.." I say.

"It's okay.." He says as he kisses me again.

After a few kisses, our bus arrives. Everyone else looks at us, confused.

"Just ignore us.." I say.


I love them sm </3

- Sander, 306 words.

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