tomden fluff/smut

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(a/n requested by Ace_the_introvert. takes place after all stars. Aiden and James had recently broken up, and Tom helps to comfort him, but things escalate.. (This is ooc💔))

Aiden's pov:

I was just sitting down. I was thinking about everything  that happened with James and I. After all stars, we had been distant toward each other. This led to us breaking up.

I started crying, wondering if I would even find love again. "I need to text Tom.." I say.

I grab my phone and type in a message.

"Tom, can you come over?" I type.

He responds soon after. "Of course, on my way." I smile. I had secretly liked Tom for a while. After James and I broke up, that feeling only got stronger.

I was craving something.. I thought about it and found out what I wanted, sexual contact. I had nobody, which sucked.

After a few minutes, Tom arrived. "Hey buddy, is everything okay..?" Once he said that, I broke down crying. "I just miss being loved. James meant a lot to me.. and now he's gone." I say, still crying as I sit on the couch.

Tom pulls me in for a hug. "It's okay, buddy, I'm here. I know it's, though. I've had the same with Jake." He says.

I didn't want to hear him talk about Jake. I wanted him to love me. Without thinking, I kiss him.

The kiss caught Tom off guard. However, he didn't hesitate to kiss me back.

We pulled apart. "Sorry, Tom." I say. "It's okay, I liked it."

Tom kisses me again, pulling me close. I slide my tongue in his mouth. "Fuck.." I moan. It's obvious I'm turned on. I sit on top of Tom. "Please.. fuck me.." I say.

"Aiden, what?" He says. "Fuck me." I say. He blushed, and I noticed he was hard. "Can I suck your dick?" I ask him. He nods. "Please do.."

I go down and pull his pants down. I look at his dick, which I've seen before at camp. (A/N: THEY WRRE COMFORTABLE WITH EACH OTHER OKAY..)

I slowly start suckimg his dick, leaving saliva all over it. His moans turned me on even more. I started to rub my clit. "Oh shit, Aiden." Tom moans. "Tom, please.." I say.

"What's up?" He asks. "Fuck me." I say.

And so he does. I stop sucking his dick and lay down, undressed already. He rubs his finger over my scars. "You're so beautiful, Aiden.." He says as he slowly puts his dick inside. "Fuck.." I moan.

"Please.. start moving.." I say.

Tom listens to me and starts moving. "Fuck.. Tom.." I moan.

"I like it when you moan my name." He says, making me blush. "Please.." He goes faster.

He moves his hands at my clit and starts rubbing it. "Shit.. Tom.."

"Aiden.." He moans.

"I'm close.." I say. "Me too, darling.." He says.

My stomach twists. "Darling." plays in my head as I moan, calling his name.

Soon after, Tom came in the condom he wore. I came soon after. "Shit.." I say, breathless.

"Mhm, you're so good, Aiden." He says as he pulls out.

"Shit.." I say, breathless.

"Let's get cleaned up, cutie." He says, I blushed. "Why the nicknames?" I ask. "They fit you." He says, blushing.

He walks to my bathroom and runs a shower. "I'll take you there." He says, grabbing me. He puts me in the shower, giving me some of my clothes to change.

"I have some spare clothes that are very oversized for me, they would probably fit you." I say.

"Okay thanks." He says as he gets the clothes.

As we both get done with showering, we sit down. "Tom, I like you." I say. "More than a friend.."

He smiles at me. "I like you too.." He says. We share another kiss. "Wanna be my boyfriend?" I ask. He nods. "I would love to."


Tomden!! Cuties fr🫶

- Sander, 666 words

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