4. Why me?

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I settled back in my seat. Second-hand embarrassment washed over me.

One second, I'm insulting him, the other I am an emotionally open mess.

<I can't let them see me weak>
Remembering what I'd told myself yesterday.
I greatly failed at that...

He was still standing beside me after having calmed me down. Buttoning up his shirt.

"I'll go check how long before we arrive. Stay here."

I had to look out the window to keep myself from rolling my eyes at the last part of his sentence.
Talk about stating the obvious.

After he left, I immediately stood up looking for anything that could help me defend myself.
He may be hot, momentarily sweet, and helped me from my panic attack, but he did kidnap me and potentially hurt my sibling.
I can't lower my defense, everything can still happen.

I first checked the weapons in the box I'd seen earlier, not that I know how to use one but I can't be that hard, right?
I could hear mumbling in the cockpit which confirmed he wasn't in a hurry to come back.
I took a gun out of the mountain of weapons and checked the magazine.
I might have never seen a gun but I've seen enough movies to know where the bullets are placed.

Shit, empty.

I continued opening a couple of others before confirming how useless they were.

My eyes scanned the plane when my eye caught something.

A drawer.

I quickly walked up to it making as little noise as possible, because it was directly next to the door of the cockpit.
I opened it.

Filled with a bunch of papers, contracts to be precise.
I scanned the document to make out if it was useful enough to take it.

I read only the important words.

*....hold the end of the bargain...... obey Angelo Fernando Luigi, if not. Dead sentence.*

My eyes widened.
What the hell is this?
I kept reading.

*At no point for any reason disclose to anyone what you do or have done.
..... if you were to do so. Dead sentence.*

*....never speak of the way of work, outside work. If you were to do so. Dead sentence.*

There were even more of the same things written all threatening with death.

The contract was not signed. I think this is just a sample of how every contract goes.
So it was useless to me.
After scooting the documents aside, I found a pointy hairpin.
A Sharp, big metal piece decorated with the head of a lion at the base.
Good enough I thought to myself.

Suddenly the voice started getting closer.
I quickly closed the drawer and hid the pin in my bra.
I wouldn't have enough time to go all the way to my seat.
I would look too suspicious if they saw me walking back but the same if I kept standing here.
So, I did the next best thing.

I lifted my hand to knock when the door opened at the same time.

Angelo stood in the opening, looking me up and down with a hint of suspension.

"What are you..."
"I need to go to the bathroom, I was just about the knock,"
I said, interrupting him while lowering my hand that supposedly was going to knock.

He squinted his eyes for a moment, looking around the room, searching for something out of place.

I hope he doesn't notice that the weapons are slightly in a different position than before.

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