Jamjaiden fluff

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(a/n: They go out, and Aiden goes for the first time. James and Tom both end up drunk and are found making out in the bathroom.)

Aidens pov:

"Oh boy, I guess it's time." I say. "You'll be fine, Aiden. We'll be with you the entire night." Jake reasures me. "I know, I'm just nervous." I say. "Trust us, you'll be okay." James says.

I smile at them. "Thanks. Is Tom ready?" I look at him. He still hasn't decided what to wear. "Omg Tom, it doesn't matter what you wear! we have to leave in 20 minutes!" Jake says.

"We'll be on time, don't worry." James says. "Here, let me help you."

James helps Tom with his outfit. Jake reasures me that I will be fine on the couch.

"I'm ready!" Tom says. "You look great." I say. "Oh, thanks, though I have to thank James for helping me out." He says. James kissed him. "Of course!"

Jake's pov:

We leave about 5 minutes later. Aiden sits in the car next to me, clearly being a nervous wreck.

"Aiden, it's gonna be okay." I kiss his cheek. "It's not! I'm too scared!" He says with a panic in his voice. I kiss him. "Trust me, you'll be okay!"

"Okay. If you say so.." He says.

Soon, we arrive at the bar. "Let's go." Tom says. "How's Aiden?" James asks. "Nervous." Aiden answers.

Aiden's pov:
We step inside. The smell of alcohol is overwhelming me. "I'm not sure.." I say. "It's okay, I'll be here with you." Jake says. "I don't enjoy drinking too much." I say.

"It's fine. Would you like to try something?" The bartender asks. "Just give me something, I'll dink it anyway." The bartender nods. "Here, I think you'll like this."

I take a sip. "Wow, this is good!"

"I would like one too." Jake says.

After we get out drinks, we walk around to see Tom and James dancing together. "They look like they are having fun." I say. "Yeah, and they've drunk a few." Jake adds. "Yeah, haha." I say as I finish my drink. "Aiden, you're not supposed to drink them that fast." He says. "Oh, sorry.." I say. He laughs. "It's fine, no worries!"

We take another drink and go look for Tom and James.

"Where are they?" I ask. "I have no idea. Maybe one of them and to throw up." He says. "Let's look for them." I say.

We walk to the bathroom. Once standing in front of the door, we hear kissing noices. "James.." We hear a deep voice say.

"Should we go in?" I ask. "We could, but maybe it's better if they get some privacy." Jake says. "Okay, let's go back and wait for them."

Not soon after, James and Tom arrive. "Let's go home." James says. "Uh, okay?" Jake says, confused.

"What happened in the bathroom?" I ask. "Uhm, Tom and I made out and maybe got caught by the staff. We got kicked out." He says. "Oh.." I say. "Yeah, sorry about that. I wanted this to be tour night, and -" I cut him off. "James, babe, it's okay! Jake was with me all the time, and we had fun." I Say. "Okay, wait, who's driving?"

"Me. I only had one drink." Jake says.

We get home after a bit. Tom seemed to be the most affected by the alcohol, mostly showing in the fact he's asleep. "Go to bed, Tom. I'll help you." Jake says.

"O-okay.." Tom says.

Jake brought Tom to bed as James and I cuddled. "Mhm, I love you. You know that."

"Yeah, I know, darling." He kisses my head. "Tonight was fun." I say. "Glad you enjoyed." Jake says.

We all get to bed soon after. This is a night I'll never forget.


Why have shipping wars when you can ship them all together.

- Sander, 650 words.

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