Its time

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"You can do this," Jennie whispered to herself as she saw her reflection in the mirror, "You can do this."

She knew her dad would be here any minute to get her and soon she would be walking down that aisle. She had been in the bathroom for a good ten minutes.

She could not believe the moment had come. It had been three weeks since she had agreed to this whole ridiculous arrangement. She had spent all those three weeks planning the wedding with Lisa's PA, Diana. And even then she had spent more time with Lisa's PA than Lisa herself. Lisa spent a lot of time 'attending to business' like she would put it, in California. So even though Jennie was technically engaged to her, Jennie barely saw her. They did talk once a day though, it was very brief.

Her dad was doing a lot better now, as Santana promised she got the best doctor for Mr. Kim. Jennie couldn't help think back to when Lisa ask for her hand in marriage. That was quiet the night and the biggest lie she has told to her father.


"Relax," Lisa said in a nonchalant voice.

Both Jennie and Lisa were outside in Kim's patio, they were going over what they had to say. Well actually Jennie was telling Lisa what to say and what not to say. Lisa refrain several eye rolls from Jennies rant.

"Calm down, will you?" Lisa said as she took Jennie's face in her hands.

There was a moment where they connected eyes, and there was something about that moment that was so special. But as soon as their connected eyes they looked away.

Lisa cleared her throat, "I will make him believe we're in love."

Jennie nodded, "Okay."

Lisa dropped her hands from Jennie's face and reached into the pocket of her jacket. She opened the box revealing a beautiful and not to mention expensive ring. Lisa took out the ring and took a hold of Jennie's hand.

"You should probably wear this."

Jennie was a little shocked, "Um Lisa...You didn't have to get me a ring, much less this one."

"You don't like it?" Lisa frowned.

"No it's not that," Jennie said quickly, "The ring is beautiful, it just looks so expensive and..."

Lisa chuckled, "Jennie, money is not an issue for me."

Jennie nodded still starring at her ring.

"Shall we?" Lisa asked.


As both of them made their way back inside Kim's house, Jennie took a hold of Lisa's hand. Their hands interlaced as Lisa looked down on them, the look she had on her face was like she was never seen such thing before.

"Oh why hello Lisa," Mrs. Kim exclaimed, "What a surprise to see you here."

"I'm sure it is," Lisa grimaced.

Mrs. Kim smiled before turning back, "Mr. Kim, come see who's here."

It wasn't long before Mr. Kim came into the living room; it was least to say that he was very shocked when he saw Lisa standing there.

"Lisa," Mr. Kim exclaimed with a smile, "It's so good to see you."

With her free hand, Lisa shook Mr. Kim's hand, because Jennie had a tight hold on her other hand.

"It's good to see you too," Lisa smiled.

"Please take a seat, make yourself at home," Mr. Kim insisted.

Lisa did so; both she and Jennie took the seat across from Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim. From what Lisa could see, Mr. Kim looked pale, maybe even a little sick but the cancer wasn't as noticeable. Lisa felt kind of bad for him, he was always so nice to her whenever she would see him.

I haven't seen you in a few years, how have you been?" Mr. Kim asked he seemed excited.

"I have been good," Lisa cleared her throat, "I'm actually here because I need to talk to you and Mrs. Kim."

"Talk to us?" Mr. Kim questioned.

"About Jennie and I," Lisa said as she scooted a little closer to Jennie.

Mr. Kim eyed them and he quickly spotted the interlaced hands, a bigger smile if possible broke out on his face.

"Are you guys together?" Mr. Kim asked.

"It's more than that," Lisa began, "I came here because I want to ask you for your daughters hand in marriage. I love her Mr. Kim."

That was a lie, Jennie thought.

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with her," Lisa continued the lie.

Mr. Kim laughed, "This is amazing! Hon what do you say!?"

Mrs. Kim smiled nervously, "If it makes Jennie happy."

Mr. Kim stood up and made his way over to them, "Of course you can. Lisa you have no idea how many times your father and I planned for our kids to get married!"

Lisa smiled politely but swallowed thick when John was mentioned and Jennie noticed that.

"So how long have you guys been together? Must have been a long time to take it to the next level," Mr. Kim began.

Jennie moved around nervously in her seat.

Lisa cleared her throat, "Well uh we've been together for a while but since I would always be in California it would be kind of hard. We decided to tell you guys when it was a very serious thing."

"John would be so happy if he were here to see this," Mr. Kim said.

"Yeah," Lisa said quietly.

"Come here and give your new dad a hug!" Mr. Kim exclaimed as he chuckled.

Lisa did as she was told, this time Jennie let go of her hand. It was to say the least that Lisa looked uncomfortable.

"There's honestly no one I'd rather give my daughter to when I walk her down the aisle," Mr. Kim said, "Take care of her."

Jennie and Mrs. Kim's eyes met, they both knew that Mr. Kim looked extremely happy with the news and with the new treatment he was receiving he looked better but both of them also knew that this was all a lie.

End of flashback

There was a knock on the door that brought Jennie back from her thoughts.


"Yeah dad?" Jennie called out.

"It's time."

Jennie took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to do.

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