One of your many

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"Jennie," Lisa whispered quietly as she shook her shoulder.

They had just arrived in California; it was around 5 in the afternoon. Jennie had fallen asleep a few hours back; the jet lag was kicking her butt.

"Yeah?" A groggy Jennie responded.

"We're here," Lisa said, "Listen I have to go to the company to take care of a few things, sign a few papers. I know you're tired, I could drive you home if you'd like?"

"Mhm no," Jennie said sleepily, "I wanna go with you."

"Okay," Lisa said with a small smile.

Lisa helped Jennie out of her seat and out of the private plane. There was already a car waiting for them, a man was packing up the luggage in the black Range Rover. Lisa had a tight hold on Jennie's waist since she was still somewhat asleep. When they finally got in the car was when Jennie began to wake up.

"I promise I won't take long," Lisa said, "You look very tired."

"I'm fine," Jennie reassured as Lisa began to drive.

Before Lisa could say a word her phone started to ring, it was sitting on her lap. As she made a move to grab it, it was quickly swiped by Jennie.

"You shouldn't use your phone while you're driving," Jennie warned.

Lisa rolled her eyes, "Well could you check who it is?"

"It says it's Tzuyu," Jennie said.

"Oh, I'll just talk to her when we get to the company," Lisa shrugged off.

"Who is she?" Jennie asked.

"My assistant," Lisa said.

"One of your many," Jennie said.

Lisa chuckled, "Irene is my assistant in New York, Diana is my personal assistant, and Tzuyu is my assistant here in California. I guess you can say I am a busy man."

Jennie repressed a chuckle, the conversation died after that. It was mostly because of how tired Jennie was. The car ride turned out to be half an hour long so Jennie did end up falling asleep. For Jennie it felt like the blink of an eye though, because next thing she knew Lisa had her door open and was shaking her shoulder softly.

"You sure you don't want me to take you to the Estate?" Lisa asked.

Jennie just nodded as she got out of the car. She observed her surroundings and she was not surprised when she saw Lisa's own private parking space. They headed inside the building once Lisa locked up the car, Jennie had to admit it was an extremely nice building, and not to mention the respect the employees had for Lisa. She lost count of how many of them greeted her as they made their way to the office.

"There's a couch in my office, you can sleep on it if you like while I finish up my paper work," Lisa suggested.

"Yeah, okay," Jennie nodded.

Jennie was surprised how big and luxurious Lisa's office was. And just like Lisa said there was a couch in her office, however what she didn't mention was how comfy it looked, Jennie practically threw herself on it.

"I promise I won't be long," Lisa said.

Jennie just hummed in response as she fell asleep.

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