💧Izuku Midoriya💧 arrested

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Warning:angst, argument, cursing, smoking
Y/n info:age-28, height-5'5, no quirk, engaged to deku
Izuku info: age-28, height-5'10, I don't really feel like naming all his quirk but his main quirk is one for all😭, Traiter [villain acting as a hero]
Daughter info: age-5, name-soya midoriya no quirk

Start of the story:

Your daughter was not home yet cause she was with inko and she texted her son deku that was getting to bring her back home now you were out in the living room while he was in the room, you were cleaning up you and deku have not been the happiest with each other lately cause he was barley home to be with his daughter cause he was always out doing missions and stuff, he was able to take off cause he hasn't went on vacation yet but he didn't really want to and you never understood way, he knew he was a hero and he was hero and he was big on saving people but you never understood why he couldn't take off to be with his daughter I mean he was the reason she was created in the first place. You walked to the room and opened the bedroom door and seen your fiancé sitting near the window smoking, you quickly went over and smacked the cigarette out of his hand and it went out the window he looked at you quickly "why did you do that!?" He yelled with wide eyes "so when the fuck did you decided to start smoking!? Cause I know for the fact for the past 11 years of our relationship I have not once seen you smoking!?" You said with anger in your voice and he sighed and stood up "I've been smoking for a year now" he said and walked past you and out the room your eyes went wide 'a year A FUCKING YEAR!' You said in your head and you followed him out "so never told me!?, that's bad for your lungs, what would your mom think about you smoking!" You yelled looking at him "stop bringing my mom up every time you decide you want to argue with me!" He turned to you with anger in his eyes "you think I am doing this to make you mad! I am just trying to help you! Why are you getting mad at me for wanting to help!" You yelled back, "cause I am getting tired of hearing you scream at me for nonsense!" He said now that pissed you off he thinks you getting mad cause him not being around is nonsense, why is up with him, why is he acting like this.

Now you started to really scream "you think what I am saying is nonsense!!? You think me wanting you to be here for your five year old is nonsense!!? I am not the way that thought about making her izuku!! You were the one that really wanted her and I agreed cause I thought you would make a wonderful father!! But what I am saying is nonsense!!? Huh!!? Is it!!?l you said starting to get in his face but he wouldn't look at you "look at me!!" You screamed but he didn't listen he didn't even say another word "all I want is for you to take off to be with your daughter, is that wrong of me!!? Do you want to be that type of father that is barely there for his kids!!? The type of father that barely knows anything about his kids!!? The type of father that misses their first time with things!!? Like the time you missed when she first walked when she said her first word!!? You missed those cause you were always out zuku!!" You screamed with tears screaming down your face but yet he still didn't look at you but you seen that you hit a nerve cause you knew he was holding back rptears but he wasn't letting them out but hearing the door bell broke up your argument, you wiped your face with sleeve then went to the door and opened it seeing inko with your daughter soya "Mommy!!" Soya screamed wiht happiness as she hugged your leg then ran in and seen deku on the couch "daddy's home!, hi daddy!" Soya said with more joy in her voice inko looked at you with a concerned face.

"You ok hunny.. I heard yelling.. and your eyes are red.." she asked while holding your hand "I'm fine.. me and izuku just got in a small argument but I promise everything will be ok" you said with a fake small smile "you sure hunny I can stay for a little and talk with him if you think that would make you feel better and if that will help" she said looking into the house seeing deku on the couch messing with soya "no no, it's fine I promise, we are ok now" you said "ok hunny if you say so but give me a call if you need to talk ok?" Inko said with a smiled and you nodded with smiling "I will" you said then watched her walk to her car, you closed the door and turned around soya had a big smile on her face as she played with deku, that was something you always wanted to see, you knew soya loved your dad, she even wanted to become a hero because of him it was her dream to be a hero like her dad. You walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard and then grabbed the wine from the back end up the counter near the fridge and poured some into your glass and put the wine back and leaned the top half of your body down on the island counter and took a sip of your wine with your eyes closed then you heard foot steps but didn't worry about it.

Soon you felt arms rap around your body you opened your eyes and seen that deku laid his head on your shoulder "I'm sorry.. I swear I am so please don't mad at me...I just been really stressed lately I didn't mean to take out on you.. your right... I should of took off for soya to be with her... your right about everything you said so please don't be mad at me..." deku said with his face covered you moved your hand up and ran it through his hair "it's fine... you just need to take a break from work and just be home with us... your worker yourself to hard.." you said and he nodded a little keeping his face buried in your neck but then there was a loud knock which made you and deku jump a little deku went to the door and opened, you moved were you were you could see who it was and see it was the police "are you izuku midoriya known as pro hero deku?" The police asked "yes? Is there something wrong?" Deku asked looking at the police but they didn't answer they just grabbed him and turned him and started cuffing him "wait wait wait what are you doing!!?" You asked while going over to them "Mr. Midoriya you are now under arrest for 1st degree murder against two people" the police said and your eyes went wide "daddy!" Soya said while starting to cry seeing them gripping onto deku you went over and picked up soya making her lay her head on your shoulder looking away from deku "what do you mean 1st degree murder, deku would never do that!" You yelled still in shock "can I at least say bye to my daughter and wife?" Izuku asked looking at the ground "you have 5 minutes" the police said while holding onto his arms and went over to you soya lifted her head and turned to look at deku "daddy what's going on.." soya said which made you start crying "daddy is going away for a little, but you'll be able to visit daddy from time to time and call me until daddy can get things figured out..." he said laying his head against Soya's "w-will daddy be ok" soya said while crying l"yes daddy will be just fine.." he said then looked at you and knew what you were going to say and all he could say was "I'm sorry... I love you.." he said and kissed you lightly and you kissed back "ok come on." The police said and deku walked willingly and didn't fight with then you went to the door and watched as deku got put into the car.. he looked so different with it being dark and his cold aura he gave as they put him in the car soya yelled out "I love you daddy!!" Then she hugged you tightly and you cried out more as you watched the cops drive away with him in the back seat, but you knew you had to call his mom and tell her..

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