Chapter Five

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“Phil, please, forgive me” James said, locking eyes with me.

For a second I just stared at him, disgusted. I tried looking for the lie in his eyes. He looked really sorry, and I thought he was a good actor.

“You’re wasting my time with this bullshit?” – I said, emotionless.

“I regret everything, Phil. I’m so sorry, I like you, you’re the cutest. I shouldn’t have done that to you” – He sounded like a little kid who was trying to explain something for the parents.

“You’re suck a liar. There goes your minute. Now go away please, and don’t come here again” – I finished the sentence and was already closing the door, when he put his arm in the door gap again.
I didn’t fight back and opened the door again, in silence, waiting for what he was going to say

“I’m not lying, Phil. I told my wife I’m gay. We’re getting a divorce. All I want is to be with you, please, give me another chance”

He stared at me, and I couldn’t believe how someone could lie and do it at the same time.

I opened the door.

“Come in” – I said.

He entered our apartment and I closed the door.

“I don’t trust you. I don’t believe your name is James. I don’t believe you’re 30 like you said. I don’t believe you have a job. I don’t know anything about you anymore. I thought you were a nice guy, James – if that’s your real name. Seriously. I don’t know what it is that you’re planning. Do you want to hurt me, is that it? Or maybe get to know something about me, and then publish on the internet?”

“No! Phil! I didn’t lie about any of these things!” – He quickly got his wallet, and showed me his I.D

It was really true, his name and his age. Then he got another document and showed me, it was his business card from the office he worked.

“You see? I’m being honest Phil. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you”

He got closer to me, we were both standing up. I didn’t move.

“It could be fake” – I said, giving his documents back.

“I can take you to my office. I’ll introduce you to everyone, as my boyfriend. Janice, my /ex-/wife already knows about you, you can meet her too. I know you like me, Phil. And you know I like you too”

He put his hands on my waist. Truth is, he didn’t know anything about me. I really liked him, before, but not as much as I liked Dan.

I was quiet, thinking. What should I do?

“This doesn’t explain why you did that to me. You knew I didn’t want to. You knew I don't do drugs and don't like to get drunk. Why did you say those horrible things to me? If you really liked me, you wouldn’t.”

“I was drunk, Phil. I was confused… and lost… I regret it”

For a moment, I was in silence. We just stared at each other, his hands on my waist. I didn’t know if I should believe him. To be honest, I wanted to be loved. I wanted to cuddle. I wanted someone I could kiss. I was single for 5 years, I didn’t want sex – I wanted love. Even though my fans always sent nice stuff to me, it wasn’t the same as having /someone/. Who I wanted? Dan. But I was pretty sure he wouldn’t want to date me. We were friends for so long, why would something happen between us /now/?

 He kissed me. I didn’t kiss him back, but I didn’t push him away either.

Our “kiss” lasted 3 seconds. He started pecking my lips, and I stood still, didn’t move one muscle.

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