7.House Party

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Highlight of the day-Him rolling his sleeves

Sidharth glanced over, his eyes flickering with recognition. "Hey Alia" he greeted casually, unaware of the turmoil within me.

My mouth went dry as I struggled to respond. I wished the ground would open up beneath me, swallowing me whole, sparing me from this excruciating moment.

After awkwardly exiting the pharmacy I quickened my pace, hoping to put some distance between myself and Sidharth . However, he caught up to I just reached the door.He might think that I have a boyfriend.Now,this is even worse

" Alia" Sidharth called again, falling into step beside me. "Are you heading home?"

I nodded unable to meet his gaze directly. "Yeah I am."

"Great I'll walk with you then" Sidharth said, falling into step beside me taking the grocery bag from my hand even though he already had a grocery bag with him, which I was reluctant to give but he didn't let go of the handle of bag and I eventually gave up. He didn't let our hands touch and I don't know why that made me pissed

My stomach churned with unease, knowing I'd have to endure the walk home with Sidharth my mind still reeling from the embarrassing encounter at the pharmacy.

As I and Sidharth walked along the quiet street towards home, the tension between us palpable, Sidharth broke the silence.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend" Sidharth remarked casually.

My heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question. I turned to face him, "Well, you don't know a lot of things about me" I countered, my voice tinged with defensiveness.

Sidharth raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Touché" he replied, acknowledging my point.

"Kahi tumhari shaadi toh nahi ho gayi?" he inquired with a hint of smirk on his lips.

(Did you also get married by any chance?)


"Haan... aur 4 bachche bhi hain" I replied, my voice with irritation.

"Rinku, Pintu, Chintu, Bantu... milna chahoge?"

(Rinku, Pintu, Chintu, Bantu... want to meet them?)

"Zaroor, aur unke papa se bhi milwana" he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

(Of course, and introduce me to their father as well.)

and here I thought of making him the father of my children.Sannasi,Daddamma

"I thought I knew you quite well" he remarked.

"Really? If you truly knew me, you wouldn't be asking to meet my non-existent boyfriend" I shot back sharply.

I spotted a bookstore nearby. The signboard read 'New Arrivals'. My heart skipped a beat. "I'm going in" I said,atleast excepting him not head home and i get sometime to try to sink everything in.

As i already heading towards the entrance atleast now he would back out and head home without me and I can calm my heart out for a while because I cant bear this building pressure in my body with him by my side.

Sidharth sighed exasperatedly "Again? You and your books! When will you realize there's more to life than these fictional tales?"

Pausing at the doorstep, I turned to face him. " Sidharth , in these books, I get to live hundreds, even thousands of lives in one. I get to experience love, adventure, and magic. It's my escape, my sanctuary. I don't care what you think, you can head home,You dont have to wait for me" I said defiantly.

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