Wednesday May 29th, 2024

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Me, chevy, he'd sisters, her boyfriend, and Trent and my mom and dad were touring this new school. It was a private school in London known for it's excellent graduates. After touring all day me chevy her bf and mine we all went to this opening party for the older students. When we got there trent said he had to introduce us to the person hosting the party to ask for his blessing. As we go to this abandoned section of the school we are greeted by two guys In all black and trench coats
"Explain your reason for coming" the taller boy asks
"To present ourself to grallith " trent says with his head down
Then nod their heada and let us go further inside. We walk to an old desk in the middle of a big room and see a boy sitting there, long coat and old Renaissance looking shirt untucked from his pants.
His eyes go quickly to me. His eyes never leave me as he welcomes us
Trent seems skeptical as he sees him staring at me but he can't piss off a random brit for no reason.

After our introductions we go to the Woods where the campfire is for the parts, there's yet again another abandoned building next to us. We all split up to explore and have fun.

I walk towards the abandonment building and look around it, it's similar to the one we were in before but this is just one large room.
Grallith appears behind me and asks how I'm enjoying myself in his home. I tell him it's beautiful, I love to explore and see old architecture and buildings and this place is full of them, not even just the main school.
"You are fascinating " he says and takes my hand and kisses it. Chevy boyfrie.d dj must have been looking for someone or something because he snatches me away from grallith and tells him to back off.
"Haha you're very funny." grallith laughs and waves us to go away as he leaves.
"What the fuck you have a boyfriend and you're sneaking around with the first new dude that catches your eye?!" Dj whisper yells at me.
"No it's not what it seems he followed me? I was just looking around and all of a sudden he was behind me?!?" I whisper yell back
Dj nods his head and guides me back to chevy and Trent who are hardly talking
"Where were you babe" trent asks me
"She got lost near the building, i ended up finding here " dj answers for me
We all talk and chat for a bit but then we have to head back to the school. The Dean is letting us sleep in the dorms tonight. None of us know the way back so we are talking amongst ourselves to figure it out when grallith approaches us
"Well is everyone satisfied with our little party?" He asks with a big smile
Dj glares at him as trent answers "yeah it was chill thanks for inviting us, mind helping us find our way back to the dorms?"
"Oh no mind at all, but it's very easy to wander and get lost so we will have to go in teams of two or three, if you three would go with my friend altros I can take this miss and we can all follow back to the dorms" he says pointing at chevy trent and dj to go together
"Fuck no do you think I'm nuts I'm not letting you go alone with her??" Trents says pissed
"It's ok baby, he's the deans kid, it should be ok. I'll be ok" I reassure him and kiss him softly. Trent says fine but he better bring be back in perfect condition and grallith nods his head.
We all get in our groups and trents group leaves first with a lantern, me and grallith leave next but we don't have a lantern
"We don't need one the mood lights the path perfectly" grallith says smiling as I nod
We walk for what feels like forever and I ask him if we are close
"Not quite, I wanted to show you something first, the architecture you liked there's a beautiful spot" he says looking ahead at this beautiful church like building. I stare up at it in awe as he holds out his hand "may i" he asks and I cautiously give him my hand.
With that it seems as though the moon light shines through us as we float up to the roof of the building, I hold my breath and tighten my grip on his hand, using my other hand to hold onto his arm. We are almost a 10 meters high he says. We float softly around the roof and I can't help but look at the beautiful work that was done to such an overlooked part of buildings. He floats us to the top flat end of the roof and our feet touch it as we stand
"What the fuck was that?!?!" I screamed now that we are standing, be it 10 meters above the ground but standing nonetheless. But he doesn't answer be he just grabs my waist and face and kisses me out of the blue. I try to push him back but my hand goes right through him

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