Monday, February 12th, 2024

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I was at school and I was going around, and I got lost, and I found Trent, and he was pissed off at me, and said that he found someone else, and he broke up with me. So I decided that I was gonna start working out and make him realize what he lost. So I find a gym that I know he doesn't go too. And xander wanted to come along, So he comes with my Grandpa and my Grandpa watches Xander in the kids' room while I work out and 1 day while I'm working out. I have to go change my tampon but there's only one changing room that the girls and guys share with separate bathrooms.

so  I go to the changing room, and I take off my shorts and put a tampon in and as i go to grab my shorts Derek comes in.  And I like already have my pants off because i decided that I'm just gonna put my tampon in in the changing room. Cause I just wanted to get back to working out as quick as possible.

so like my shirts covering my butt and everything, slowly i back around the table and he keeps like walking closer to me. He's like "what the fuck Why are you just keep backing up? What are you doing" like irritated cause I'm being weird.  So I'm just like I'm "nothing, I'm not telling you why you keep following and going around the table." So finally, he just takes the couple big steps and takes me up and pushed me against one of the walls, and he's like "seriously, what are you doing? You're being annoying and a nuisance being in my way this whole time."  And Im like " I have no reason to tell you" and he slowly looks down and sees that I'm not really wearing pants. He looks me up and down like hes going to beat my ass but then he leans into my ear. And hes like "what. are. you. doing." And and I'm like. "...Don't tell anybody, I swear to God if you tell anybody...",And I take breath and I'm like "I'm changing my tampon. I have to change my tampOn. I want to go back to working ou"t. And I he doesn't say anything. So I don't think he hears me with the next thing I know is hand is on my pussy and his fingers are slowly inching his fingers towards my hole. So I t ry and push him away because trent just broke up with me and I'm definitely not over him yet but he has me pinned between him and the wall. And i said again "im on my period" and he looks at me like angerly and he growls "i know." And he starts fingering me while tightening his grip on me. Then the break bell rings meaning everyone who was working out has to take a break and he let's me go and said"meet me outside when youre done. We need to talk", so I rush to grab my shorts and run to the bathroom while I yell at him saying he's a prick. So I put a tampon in, come back out and he's surrounded by a group of guys. So I go back to working out and when I'm done I go and tell Xander I'm taking a step outside real quick and he's like ok. So I put on my coat and step outside and he standing against the wall smoking and he looks over at me and offers me a smoke so I take his cigarette and put it in my mouth and lean over so he can light it and he does but after I take one puff he grabs my throat and chokes me against the side of the gym where nobody can see us

And then I woke up.

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