Sorry :(

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Guess whose chapter got completely lost! Thanks a lot Wattpad!

I have a lot of it on my notes app but even so it was only the original one not the completed one so here have the scrapped sex scene I wrote for lovina and Jessie that I took out cause I thought it was...too much.

Anyway! Enjoy!

[redacted part before cause it's part of the chapter] ....

..."What if I plug you up?" His breath is warm against her skin as his face nuzzles into her chest, his hands deftly reaching for a pair of very kinky chastity panties he bought as a 'surprise'. She had thrown them at his windshield earlier, but now, the idea of wearing them sends a thrill of excitement through her veins. Jessie smiles feeling her tighten around his cock causing him to gulp, "Why do I need to plug up my ass too?" She teases, her dazed state only adding to her playful demeanour "I'll take that as a hint to try anal next time." He suggests with a playful wink and they end up laughing.

His eyes blur "seriously though my love the idea of you walking around with my cum in your womb and pretty pussy plugged up by dildos only I have the key to remove." He trails off, his words sending a shiver of anticipation down her spine.

He leans the slightly to reach for the box where the panties were in and grabs a small black dildo. She watches him making no moves to stop him. He pulls her up and off his cock with hesitation, this earns him a pathetic whine from Lovina. "Shh baby, you'll enjoy this" he calms her with a mean smile. He rubs the dildo along her folds coating it with a combination of their juices. Lovi trembles at the cold sensation and struggling to keep holding her legs up. "Imma try something you're gonna love, can I?" He asks for permission, staring into her eyes with extremely dilated pupils. She nods curiously as he strokes the rim of her asshole with his thumb. He smiles wickedly shoving the dildo into her perky little hole using their shared slick as lubricant while at the same time showing his own girth cock into her soaked pussy. She cry's out in pleasure "you kinky fucker" her voice waivers as he pushes it in and out of her rear repeatedly.

He licks his lips savouring the metallic taste lingering on his tongue as the pace of both his hips and his wrist increases dramatically. Her eyes roll back in intense pleasure and her voice is whiney and loud, clearly not caring about the attention she's attracting from the outside of the car they are in. Thank goodness for tinted windows.

Using her last shred of will power she she removes herself from his cock with a playful glint in her eye, she teases him reveling in the slight frown that tugs at his lips at the thought of being denied. "Come on princess, please- FUCK!" He cry's out as she lifts herself off him, only to fall back with a source that leaves him breathless she repeats the motion, each movement driving him wild with desire. His nails digging into the fat of her thighs as he struggles to maintain his composure.

As Jessie refuses to relinquish control, the hand playing with her ass becomes more forceful, driving to new heights as he pushed harder. Lovina finds herself overwhelmed by the intense sensation coursing through her body, a mixture of pleasure and pain that only serves to heighten her arousal. With both holes filled and her body rocked by his wild movements, waves of ecstasy crash through her like a tidal wave.

"I'm-I-I-I-" Lovina stammers, her words lost in the throes of pleasure, her body trembling with anticipation of her impending release.

"Coming that quick? My pretty slut is that turned on from having a dick stopped in her perky little hole," Jessie taunts, his voice a husky whisper in her ear as he both degrades and encourages her.

Feeling her tighten around him he urges her own, his breath hot against her as he whispers, "cum for me slut."

Suddenly her vision is engulfed by white her body convulses uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure crashes over her. With a silent scream, she squirts uncontrollably, her release paints his thighs and abs.

Her expression, a picture of pure bliss, couple with the vice like grip her pussy has in his cock, pushes Jessie over the edge. With a primal roar he succumbs to the over whelming pleasure, his realise joining hers in a symphony of ecstasy.
The only sound that fills the car are their cry's and the rhythmic slapping of his balls against her dripping folds as they ride out their shared orgasm.

"I guess you will be using the anal plug too-" she slaps him before he can finish, too tired to stop him from doing anything.

I will be deleting this after a week. Cause well I kinda let my demons do the talking here.

See ya hopefully next week


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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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MOTH TO A FLAME (GLEE OC X Jessie st.James)Where stories live. Discover now