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"Do you like that baby girl, do you like this big cock inside you. Take it like the good girl that you are. Breathe for me Little Pawn."
I lay there face down into my pillow as he pumps in me harder with each stroke. The pleasure and pain is overwhelming. All I can do is grip the silky sheets as I get a taste of his cock stripping me of my innocence. The grip he has on my hair sends a shockwave down to my pussy as it throbs for him. I don't even know what he looks like, hell I don't even know his name, just the glance of the black mask hiding his perfectly delicious body behind me.
"Fuck you feel so good Little Pawn, that's right take it like the good girl I know you are," he growls into my ear.
I lay there limp as he pounds harder and more fierce as I feel a tense pressure building up warming his cock.
"Wake up, you're going to be late for your interview," yells my roommate.
I shot straight up from my bed, panties soaked. I feel so ashamed to dream about something that vile. I am a virgin after all. I don't even know what sexual desire feels like. I'm more confused by the fact I don't even know who the man in my dream was.
I have always had a gift. Well I don't think of it as a gift but my grandma said only God would gift someone with such power. Many of my dreams have come to life but I don't think something that demented would come true. I shake my head and look down at my soak panties.
Maybe my mind is saying, "Come on Aria you're 20 and still a virgin, you need to be laid."
"I'm up, God are you loud enough" I yell back
I love my roommate Luna a lot but sometimes she can just irritate my soul. Who could stay mad at her though. She has that sparkle in her honey golden eyes that makes you reconsider why you were mad to begin with. Sometimes it's crazy to think she is single because her hair is silky like fine China and her smile can brighten the room.
Luna faces me and with a big grin she expresses, "From the glimpse of what I see you're still sitting in your bed and you look like death. Today should be very important to you, you have your very first interview," she nagged.
I know it doesn't sound as important but this is the best makeup company in Paris. I promised my grandmother before she passed I would achieve what she couldn't. It's always been her dream to be a makeup artist for ALOU. I moved to Venice Italy when I was 18 and went to school for a couple years, graduated and moved here to Paris to find my big shot. I want to achieve so much. I want to be the Queen pawn that doesn't need a King to knock every obstacle out of her way.
If you really sit and think about it, we are all pawns in a game of chess. The only difference is queens can move and do as they please but unfortunately in today's world that's not possible. King's control everything and us the Queen's? We are left in the dirt to scrutinize while the Kings' flourish whatever they desire. Men desire two things, power and sex. When they don't get those possessions, it's like an asteroid crashing down on their world leaving nothing left but destruction.
Paris, for the record, can be beautiful. We live in a small little blue and white home with long vines reaching up to my window. Grandma dreamed of living in a mansion with nothing but flowers surrounding her. I don't blame her, grandma had some pretty good taste in design.
"I'm very excited, just nervous," I look down.
"I've been waiting my whole life for this moment, what if I fuck it up?" I spoke softly
"Nonsense, you are amazing and the baddest bitch I know. You'll knock them off their feet, I know you will," declared Luna.
"Well, what are you waiting for, help me pick an outfit," I said as I shot a wide smile towards Luna.
We course our way to my closet. I can't decide, all my clothes aren't the greatest.
I jumped when I heard a loud crash which sounded from the kitchen.
"What the fuck was that?" I said, alarmed.
"I'm not sure, let's go look," says Luna curiously.
We made our way down the hall in silence until we reached the kitchen. We reached the island and it was the strangest thing I've ever seen. There laid on the island was a necklace of game piece pawn like in chess with a bouquet of black and white roses.
"Did you order something?" I asked Luna as she turns to look at me in shock
"Those weren't there this morning, I swear," she said, pulling her arms in the air.
"Shit, okay let's just go back to my room and pretend we aren't freaked out a little." I said knowing deep down I am terrified.
"Wait girl, this necklace would look adorable with that black dress in your closet." she says, smirking, waiting for my response.
"Okay fine," I sigh.
"Help me put it on?" I ask, smiling shyly.
"Of course!" she says as she helps me put on the necklace.
"Perfect now let's go get that dress on you," she says, clapping her hands in excitement.
We walk back down through the hallway and enter my room. I stare down at the necklace twirling it in my fingers. I've seen this necklace before but I can't recite the memory.
"Um, Aria look," Luna says, forcing my head up to look towards my bed.
An elegant lavender dress lays on my bed with a bow long enough to reach my ass. I look at Luna very confused because I have not once seen this outfit in my life.
"Did you buy me a dress?" I questioned.
"No, girl, you know I can't keep surprises," explained Luna.
I slowly walked towards my bed near the dress and I noticed the tag. It reads $564.98. My face went into shock at the price. No way in hell can I afford an outfit that expensive and how the fuck did it get on my bed. A cool breeze pressed against my nose as I looked over and noticed my window half open.
"Girl, you have a secret admirer!" Luna yells in excitement making that screech she does when she sees a baby kitten. God it's annoying but cute at the same time.
First the flowers and necklace and now an expensive ass dress? No way in hell this is happening. I've seen too many horror movies.
"Luna, are you crazy!? Someone was just in our house and might still be in here all we know. We have no idea who the hell it was. I literally only talk to you, I haven't met anybody new lately. This needs to be reported to the police," I snapped at her.
Luna walks over to me and takes the dress to look at it. She gives me a weird look and backs up.
"What dream did you have last night?" she raises her eyebrow
My face goes beat red at the thought of my dream but I'm also very fucking confused.
"What dream? I didn't dream of anything." I said with my face as red as a tomato staring down at my feet like a child who got caught stealing candy.
"Aria don't be lying to me, tell me your dream. I'm your best friend! I can sense when you lie, don't leave me hanging like that." She pouts.
God I hate how she quivers her lips with those honey brown eyes. Whoever decides to date her is in danger. How could you deny a pretty face like hers.
"Tell me what you know first," I said to her as my face burned.
"No need to tell you, look," she pointed with a smirk on her perfect rosy lips.
On the dress is attached a note I must have missed when I was too busy looking at the price tag.
"I love how wet you are just from a dream. One day baby girl you will feel my cock stroke you till you cannot walk the next day. Wear this to your interview, it'll make your curves shine. Until we meet again in our dreams, XR."

"Spill the tea bitch," she says excitedly.
I stood there frozen in shock. How in the hell does this person know of my dream and they apparently see me in my dreams? Oh, no.
"What if he's the mystery man fucking my brains out?" I thought silently to myself.
I put my hands over my head and took a deep breath.
"Okay, okay. I had a very strange dream. One that I've never had before," I say looking down ashamed.
"Girl you had a wet dream, didn't you," she cocks an eyebrow up.
"Well short of but I'm worried it had more meaning," I said honestly.
"I got fucked by some random dude I have never met in my life Luna. This note says that he knows about it and what if he is the one who I visioned in that dream. What if he plans on hurting me?" I plead.
"Are you sure you haven't talked to anyone lately, not even via text," she asks
"No, I only talk to you and my mom, that's it, " I defended myself.
"And that doesn't explain how he knew about my dream or my interview, Luna this is serious," I said, concerned but clearly she takes no interest in my shenanigans.
She just stares at me like I'm crazy. I can't do this right now.
"Whatever, I need to get ready. I'm not wearing that dress. Not over my dead body," I mumble under my breath.
Luna nods and exits my room heading to the kitchen to make the both of us a coffee for the road. Nothing sounds better than the smell of fresh vanilla and creamy goodness sliding down my throat. Although that mysterious man sounds delicious right now. I wonder what his cream would taste like going down my throat.
"Snap out of it Aria! That is completely wrong you don't even know what that feels like," I think to myself.
I feel like I'm in the middle of a fight with a devil and an angel on my shoulder.
I walk over to my closet and skim through my clothes, the silk brushing through my soft skin. I glance at the different contrasting colors from red to black. ALOU is a major makeup company. I have to dress to impress. I'm hopeless, most of what I have is revealing. I keep skimming until my fingertips skim across a beautiful black dress. This must be the one Luna mentioned downstairs. I know what you're thinking Grandma, black at a makeup company, really Aria? This isn't a funeral. But this feels different. The silky material, beyond beautiful and the v-neck shape seems perfect. I pull it off of my hanger and walk it over to my bed. I need some cute shoes also but I don't carry many. My eyes glimpse at a pair of delicate white heels and bows on the top.
"Perfect," I thought to myself.
I slip my lacy tank top off, leaving it sliding down my body exposing my still hard nipples from this morning's dream. Chills feed down my spine as I think about that reminiscence. I try not to let it get to me but something has to explain how this fucking dickhead knows.
I slip the black dress over my soft olive skin. Out of nowhere I collapse to the ground memories of my grandmother rushing through my mind. Laughing, dancing, and pure euphoria hastening in my observance.
"Grandma, over here!" I yell as loud as I can but I go unnoticed.
She stands there dancing, so full of life and then out of nowhere everything feels so wrong, so negative. Screams startled me as people started running and as I turned to see what they were running from until I felt something grab me.
"Fuck!" I scream and then suddenly all I see is darkness.

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