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"Where the fuck is he?" I yelled as loud as I could slamming everything off of my desk.
"One simple task and you fail at it? Do you know what can happen if he gets past the borders?"
"Yes my Lord," says Salvton wide eyed.
"Then why did he get away?" I ask sternly, placing my hands over my face.
I try to take a deep breath to avoid killing one of my highest men but this situation has my head spinning. One bad remark from him and I know I'm going to set fire across half of this mansion.
Salvton clears his throat, "He blew up 8 cars and took one of our men's lives. Ranson went down sir. Took a bullet to the head and they took the hour glass. We tried to stop him but his wings blasted air stronger than we could withhold."
"They took the hour glass?" I yelled loudly and frantically moved my hands through my black silky smooth hair.
"It appears so, my Lord," says Salvton.
I didn't know much but what I do know is my brother has intentions to destroy me and take my throne in Apollyon. I look over at the chessboard, Ranson's pawn gone to ash. I can't afford to lose any more of my men. I walk over to the one piece on the board that matters most to me. Aria Raxton, the flame to my fire. It may not be her last name now but I will make her my Queen of Apollyon. Aria Hart will be Aria Raxton even if I have to tie her up and place a diamond on that perfect little finger of hers. She doesn't know me yet or even know my presence exists but if there is one thing certain she will know of me very soon and she will be mine whether she likes it or not. She has no choice and the thought of that makes me hard knowing I will own that untainted ass of hers.
"Salvton come here," I said sternly.
"Yes my Lord," he says as he walks over the chessboard.
"Do you see this pawn right here?" I asked softly
    "Yes sir, is it special?" he asks
    "Special?" I laugh hysterically patting his shoulder
    "I didn't mean to offend you my lord, I was just __" He says before I briefly cut him off.
    "Relax," I say slowly grazing his shoulders.
I smirk and slowly convey, "Salvton I actually like you, Where is your little buddy Dexon?
I need to have a word with both of you. I have a special task for you both."
    "I can go get him now if you wish Sir," he declares.
    "No, find him and tell him to meet in 2 hours sharp, you two meet me back in this room. I suggest wearing some flexible clothes because I'm going to need you to shift," I wink and face him with a grin.
"Yes my Lord," he says quietly and makes his way out of the door.
I stare down at my kingdom, pawn by pawn. To some this might be seen as a game but if I lose all my pawns, I won't checkmate and I will lose my throne. I am the King of Apollyon and I refuse to bow down to my brother. I want to make his life more of a hell than he already lives in. I know now that the hour glass is stolen, I need to make a move to get it back. That hour glass is no regular hourglass, it's my time I have to make my Queen. If I run out of time I loose my Kingdom and fucking Linox gets everything and I will be his fucking prisoner long with my little savages.
In the meantime, I think it's time to make myself known to my Little Pawn. Aria's sweet little pussy will be dripping for me after I'm through with her.
I exit the room into my large hallway admiring the marble walls. My mother did an amazing job designing this infrastructure. After walking as it seems forever I finally reached my bedroom. I grab my black suit, black shoes, black paints, and a dark velvet red tie. I comb my silky black hair back and grab Oneirokinesis from my shelf.
"This will do the trick, it's been a while since I've manipulated someone's dreams," I thought to myself.
I start walking out of my room until it shoots into my mind every game has a set of rules that can't be broken or there will be consequences I'm not willing to endure.
"Fuck, I almost forgot I need a mask. She cannot see my face just yet," I say frantically looking for a mask.
"Perfect," I say as I grab a black mask that'll cover everything her precious little eyes can see.
I walk out of my room through the hallways and into my office. I take a deep breath before I go into the human world because only God knows I hate humans. Especially Aria's nosy roommate, I'd have to make my presence quick. I've been watching her since Emelia, her grandmother died and that fucking roomate of hers is sketchy I just can't put my two sense in.
"One more thing before I go. My precious flower deserves something nice for what I'm about to do to her," I say with an evil grin.
I manifest myself in one of the best clothing stores there is in this disgusting little city. My eyes catch a glimpse of a Lavender dress that would make her curves pop out. She is short with a perfect round ass and thick thighs. A Goddess like her would shine as bright as the sun in an outfit like this. This would be perfect for her, although I'll murder everyone who looks at her later but that's besides the point. I checked the price tag, nothing too expensive, besides she deserves the world. I might be a cruel man but for her I would burn kingdoms and that's exactly what I'm about to do.
I just don't know how to explain to her that her fate belongs with me. Oh how I want to break her in so many ways and glue them back together, molting her into my obedient little slut. After watching her all these years grow up and become who she is now, I know I have a lot of work. She is a feisty little demon as the humans would say. I will own her and make her mine even if I have to break her into a million little pieces and construct her myself.
"Just the dress?" asks the store clerk.
"Yes," I say with a smile
She smiles back and gives me my total as she bags the item. I pay for the dress and begin on my way to my precious gem.
The human world is very strange. I've only been here a few times, I try not to engage with mortals. The last time I was up here was Aria's 18th birthday watching from the shadows. The ombre red and black dress she wore with her black shiny hair was perfect. I may not live like humans but I understand the meaning of wanting to live for someone. The moment her fate was chosen for me, I knew my dark soul would have some light in it.
My father always said, "My son, you will rule vastly which is why I am gifting you a Queen. You have to play the game to make her your Queen. If you don't, your existence will become faint."
I loved my father but he liked to play his games. He sees everyone on the board as just pawns but to me they're alive and when I see my pawns set flames and burn to ash a part of me deteriorates. I can't help but imagine one day Aria's pawn will ignite into flames leaving me ash and a somber shadow.
After walking for what seemed endless I finally reached my precious flower and gem. I've only seen her once in person on her 18th birthday but in my office I watch her life play out like a movie waiting for the day she becomes a star right in front of me.
I smirked and whispered to myself, "Let's see how wet you can really get for me princess."
I took a deep breath and vanished to a shadow to make it easier to lurk into her room. I slide underneath her front door and make my way into the kitchen. I look around just to see what my little pawn likes but there is not much there. I stopped when I heard a voice in another room talking on the phone. It must be her fucking roommate.
"I know, I know. Don't sweat about it she probably won't even get the job anyways," Luna says.
I wasn't going to be fucking nosy but I know Aria has a interview. She was talking to her mother last night about it. The only bad part of being soul tied is I hear everything. I crept out of the kitchen and into the front room where the bitch was sitting filing her nails and speaking to someone on the other line.
"She is still sleeping, she probably won't even wake up on time anyways. We both know she is worth nothing. It's only temporary, she won't be around long anyways. That creep in her chemistry class plans on killing her."
I stopped in my tracks as soon as I heard the word killed. There is no fucking way anybody will even lay a hand on my precious gem. I will snap their fucking neck and watch them choke on their own blood.
"He's asking her out tomorrow during Chemistry. I know she's not even pretty. I've known her for years and she still hasn't lost her virginity. Sad, right? It's a shame she's going to die a virgin." She chuckles as she finishes her nails.
"I think it's time to wake up Aria, she needs to wake up before this cunt tries something in her sleep." I say to myself.
I make my way upstairs and slide under the pink unpolished door and I look over to see my princess sleeping peacefully, soft snores escaping her beautiful plump mouth. I smirk knowing that's about to change. Oh how I would love to fuck her pretty little throat right now. I pull out the vile from my pocket and gently sprinkle it around the forehead waiting for the magic to happen. She slowly moves and I pause hoping I didn't wake her. I close my eyes ready to control her precious little mind.
"Do you like that baby girl, do you like this big cock inside you. Take it like the good girl that you are. Breathe for me Little Pawn"
She lays there face down into her pink silky pillow as I pump my cock harder with each stroke. I fuck her as hard as I can watching her little body squirm under my dominance. All I can do is grip her perfect silky hair as I get a taste of her honey, oh how wet her pussy is for me. The sweet sounds of her moans send a pulsing pain down to my cock as it throbs to release my sweet juices into her perfect fucking body. I didn't know lust could feel this fucking good. I just want to break her and make her mine right this instant. I need to feel her, not just in a fucking dream. I need to paint her sheets white and make her squirm for hours on end until she is begging me to stop sparking pleasure into her soul.
"Fuck you feel so good Princess, that's right take it like the good girl I know you are," I growl into her ear.
I paused when I heard her bedroom door creek and I instantly vanished to the corner watching every step she takes into Aria's room.
"Wake up you're going to be late for your interview" yells the stupid bitch.
My precious heart shoots straight up from the bed taking deep breaths. Fuck, why Is it so hot? I sit in the corner watching as she pulls the sheets off of her and looks down. She was wetter than the ocean itself and I couldn't be more proud of the pleasure I brought her. Imagine what I could do to her when I finally get a chance to feel her sweet pussy.
"What the hell?" she said quietly looking down at herself.
I watch as she runs her hands through her hair trying to comprehend what she just dreamt about. Her nipples poked out of her beautiful lacy top, hard as my cock was watching her. It was so fucking hot to see her innocence when I know for a fact when I get my hands on her I will break her into pieces pleasuring her until she begs to God for me to stop.
I smirk and think to myself, "I will force her on her knees and make her pray to God, but God will be me. She will worship the ground I walk on and the hands that give her release and pleasure."
I rush over to the window and quietly open it about to make my escape but then Luna steps completely in. I slide out the window but I don't exactly want to leave yet without leaving her dress for her and making sure she doesn't harm her.
I stay in my shadow form and watch through the window as Luna starts blabbing her stupid mouth. Aria is trusting in people, that could be a dangerous thing but make my life a little easier to get her to submit to me. I smile at the thought of collaring her.
"I'm up, God are you loud enough" she yells back
"From the glimpse of what I see you're still sitting in your bed and you look like death," says Luna.
God I hate her for being so fucking rude to Aria. I'd revenge for her soon enough.
"Today should be very important to you. You have your very first interview." says Luna
I glare straight into her soul after what I heard her say on the phone earlier. She's the fakest bitch I've seen. God this is why mortals are crummy. I will have fun punishing her in Apollyon.
"I'm very excited, just nervous," she looked down as if she was about to cry.
"I've been waiting my whole life for this moment, what if I fuck it up?" she asks quietly.
It hurt my soul to see my princess sad. I'd do anything for her to have her dreams but deep down I don't think her desire is to do makeup for the rest of her life. I can just smell the lies in the air.
"Nonsense, you are amazing and the baddest bitch I know. You'll knock them off their feet, I know you will," said Luna.
Maybe the smell of lies is from that lying bitch. I stood there with anger flaring in my eyes. I know I can't do anything stupid right now especially with her upset. I'm vile but not for her at least. If it wasn't for her innocent little eyes I would've set the bitch on fire and roasted marshmallows.
"Well, what are you waiting for, help me pick an outfit," she jumps up excitedly.
"Fuck, the outfit. I need to sneak it in there somehow," I whisper to myself.
I thought for a quick minute then it occurred to me that I need a distraction.
I grab my phone and dial Salvton as fast as I can. If anyone can help it's going to be him.
"Yes Boss?" he picks up after a few rings.
"I need Dexon and your help. Grab the pawn necklace off the wall in my office and have Dexon make a set of black and white roses and spawn to where I am. I need you to go into her house under her front door, place them on the island and make a loud noise." I say fast
"You got it boss, be there in a few," he says and hangs up.
I stare through the window watching the two sort through her wardrobe. She really doesn't have much in there. It shatters my soul to know she lives like this.
My attention changed when I smelt hard whisky and cigarette smoke blowing through the wind. They're here thankfully.
I watched carefully as the girls continued sorting through and talking nonsense when a loud noise came from downstairs.
"What the hell," says Aria.
Even when she is scared her beauty is more than an expensive gem. Curiously I watch their reactions to see their next move. If a robber was actually in here would determine their fate. Just as I suspected, my little pawn walks slowly out of the room and her "friend" follows. I suppose that's good on my part, her curiosity will be fun to play around with.
I hurry up and rush into the window and over to her bed. Her scent of vanilla and strawberries rushing through my body. God, I would do anything to smell her sweet scent every night in my bed.
I lay the elegant dress on her bed but staring down at it I know something is missing. I think for a second and it hits me like a speeding train. I need to toy with her mind to test her obedience to see how well she listens.
I manifest a pen and paper and think to myself what would really get her mind chaotic?  This is just the beginning of toying with her so it has to be inferior.
"I love how wet you are just from a dream. One day baby girl you will feel my cock stroke you till you cannot walk the next day. Wear this to your interview, it'll make your curves shine. Until we meet again in our dreams, XR."
    "Perfect, it's vile yet so pleasant. This note will leave her little mind terrified and I can't wait to feast on her fear," I disclose.
    I hear walking coming closer and closer and I quickly vanish to the window leaving it cracked so I watch her every move. I got disturbed by the smell of whisky and I looked to my left to see Dexton.
"Hi Boss," Dexton says with an evil grin.
"Shut up and watch," I say.
Slowly Salvton makes his way up with us but doesn't make a sound. He stands back and observes his future queen.
The two girls walk back into the room but pause when Luna points out the bed.
"Um, Aria look," she says confused as fuck.
"Did you buy me a dress," Aria asked in a confused tone.
"No, girl, you know I can't keep surprises," Luna expressed.
We watched as the nosy bitch crept closer to the bed to look at the dress but Aria made her way first. She stares at it wide eyed and at that moment I knew my princess was happy deep down under her fear. She sets the dress down and walks away from it and panic shoots into her eyes as she looks toward the window I kept cracked. Oh how I was wrong.
"Fuck," I whisper to myself.
"She can't see us boss," Salvton reassured me.
"Girl, you have a secret admirer!" Luna shreeks in an annoying ass voice.
I look over at Salvton and Dexton and say, " I wish I could rip her vocal chords out, I have more to discuss with you two after we are done here."
"Is everything good?" Dexton questions with a raised eyebrow.
"Just a little problem that's going to need fixed," I explained.
We snap out of it when we are interrupted from Aria's little tantrum she is going on about. God she is so cute when she is mad, but she is a brat at times.
"Luna, are you crazy!? Someone was just in our house and left. We have no idea who the hell it was. I literally only talk to you, I haven't met anybody new lately. This needs to be reported to the police," Aria yells.
Luna grabs the dress and raises an eyebrow staring dead at Aria. I know where this is going, she just had to read my note. I placed my hand over my head and shook my head out of annoyance.
"What dream did you have last night?" she questions Aria.
"What dream? I didn't dream of anything." she tried convincing her but the look on Luna's face says otherwise.
Both Dexton and Salvton look at me with pure confusion and I wink at them, "Watch the show," I whisper.
"Aria, don't be lying to me. I'm your best friend, I know when you are lying. Tell me your dream. Don't leave me hanging like that.' She says to Aria with a pouty lip.
"Tell me what you know first," she says, staring at the ground with her face glowing a dark red. It was adorable seeing her so embarrassed.
"No need to tell you, look." she says bringing the note to Aria's attention.
I watch as her eyes go wide and I look over at my men watching the show go down.
"You see boys, that girl right there is your future queen," I smirk.
Dexton looks me dead in the eyes and says, "She's too innocent to be a queen especially our realm, what do you want with her?"
Fire enraged in my eyes but I kept calm as I looked over at Salvton, who was trying to warn Dexton to shut his mouth.
"Because, Dexton, our souls are tied. She is my gift from my father but I can't have my fucking gift until I play his stupid fucking game and I am on limited time because you dipshits lost my hour glass," I say as calmly as I could bringing my attention back to Aria.
"Spill the tea bitch," Luna says.
"Okay, okay. I had a very strange dream. One that I've never had before." she says softly looking down at the ground almost too ashamed to admit what I've done to her.
"Girl you had a wet dream, didn't you," Luna asks with a raised brow
"Well short of but I'm worried it had more meaning. I got fucked by some random dude I have never met in my life Luna. This note says that he knows about it and what if he is the man in my dream. What if he plans on hurting me?" she  pleads.
"Oh how I will hurt you princess but not in the way your innocent little mind thinks," I say to myself watching her beautiful silky hair flow with each movement she makes.
"Are you sure you haven't talked to anyone lately, not even via text." she asks
"No, I only talk to you and my mom, that's it," she defended herself fiercely.
"And that doesn't explain how he knew about my dream or my interview, Luna this is serious," she says.
I smirk knowing exactly what the dream had done to her sweet pussy and the thought of my punishing hands around her throat.
Luna just stares at her like she is some crazy lady and it's obvious those actions annoyed Aria by the look on her face.
"Whatever, I need to get ready. I'm not wearing that dress. Not over my dead body." she mumbles under her breath.
My eyes shot right at her and my veins pulse at the anger rising in me. She's going to test me in ways she's going to wish she didn't. I watch as Luna exits the room and I look over at Dexton and Salvton whose eyes fixed on me waiting for my reaction. Usually I would explode out of anger but I can't just do that here.  
"Get back, and shift into your forms. I'm going to teach her what disobedience will earn her. She doesn't want to wear my gift fine, but she will regret putting on the necklace." I said enraged with anger that I haven't felt in a long time. There is just something about her that pulls me in, making me somebody…different?
"Yes Sir," they both confirm before vanishing back to our realm.
I watch closely as she picks the black dress from her closet and looks around the room. Curiously I slide through the crack of the window to see what she is looking for then I notice she walks to her shoe closet. I walk over to the black dress to try and grab it but the moment I touch it, it burns my hand leaving scorching pain throughout my body.
"Fuck!" I yell in my mind, biting the sides of my cheeks.
At this point I'm already pissed enough. I sit back and watch her slide her lace tank top off her perfect olive skin. She goes to slip the black dress over her shoulders and down her perfect thick body when she collapses to the ground. I shot up out of panic and went to grab her but I remember I can't, at least not yet until she knows me.
She sits there on her knees and I can see the panic in her eyes as she searches around her and she grabs her head as if she is in pain. Emotion smacks me across the face and I know instantly something isn't right.
"Grandma, over here," Aria yells.
I think to myself, "Princess, she's gone she isn't here anymore."
It then hits me. She opens her eyes and I summon myself to her mind. I can see her grandma but how? She's laughing carrying on at a party being the sunshine she always was but then I hear the alarming sounds of shots. I don't think Aria can hear the shots firing in the other room. She stands there calm as a breeze. She looks so perfect mirroring her grandmother.
"How can I hear it but not her? Something is wrong," I say silently trying to plan my next moves.
"Fuck, I have to get her out of here," I say after memories hit me in the gut.
She is mirroring her grandmother's memories and this is how she died. Aria doesn't know that, she was too young to understand. I look over at her one last time before I shift us from the memory to my realm until I notice Aria and her grandmother are wearing the exact same dress.
"Someone is trying to kill her," I say as I run and grab Aria, knocking her out cold with my powers and breaking my wings through my shirt, sending us down to my realm where she will be safe. Before I know it, a sharp pain adventures through my back. I've been shot but didn't notice. Her safety means more to me than anything right now. If anybody is going to hurt Aria, it will be me.
I don't know how any of this happened but I need to find out as soon as possible or next time I won't be able to save her. I'm going to need her to stay in my realm for a while until I can figure out who the fuck is trying to kill her. I have enemies but nobody knows about her except for me… unless Linox found out. He wants to play games, oh i'll play games but he needs to leave her out of this. She is basically defenseless; she doesn't even know how to lay a punch yet alone fight demon royalty.
I don't know how she channeled into a memory like that but I'm going to need to find out. There is something about her that drives me wild and it may just be that my Little Pawn might be more powerful than I thought.
It's a shame she didn't listen because now I'm going to play a game with her. I think it's about time she learns some respect for the gifts she receives because next time I won't hesitate to make myself known right then and there.
As we entered my kingdom, I took a look around us. Fire spills through the ground igniting flames into flowers welcoming the future queen. She must not know just yet, that would be breaking father's rules. I carried her up the steps into my mansion slowly taking steps towards my office but I took a look at her peacefully sleeping.
"You need to rest, pretty girl," I say to her knowing she can't hear me.
I change direction and walk towards my bedroom knowing she needs to sleep off what happened. She isn't going to understand a word I say but I've seen her enraged before. She doesn't stop when she wants something and I know I'm going to have hell when she wakes up.
I lay her down on my bed, her face flushed the color of red you see on roses in mid summer. She looks so beautiful and I can't wait to show her how beautiful she is. She is going to need the rest after what I have planned for her. She may be cute and innocent but she can't go unpunished and I will show her my hands can both be caressing and punishing.
I go to kiss her forehead until I am interrupted by Dexton crashing into the room. Startled, I jumped and glared at him, making him pause in his steps and look down at his feet.
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to intrude but you're going to need to see this. It's not good at all," Dexton says wide eyed.
I raised my eyebrow in curiosity but pissed off at the same time. What the hell could be so important right now that I had to interrupt my time with Aria.
"What is it," I growled.
"You need to come with me Xavier, trust me please," he says quietly.
I cock my head up in alarm when he calls me by my name. I haven't been called that in years. Am I pissed? Yes but I'm more concerned about his approach.
"Ok lead me to where you need me Dexton," I state worried but don't let it show. The last thing I need is to show weakness among my people.
"A leader never shows any signs of weakness no matter what you may feel, conceal it," my father once said.
I sigh at the thought of my fathers words. We used to be close but ever since I took over as a lord and left Linox nothing, we have become distant. It was his doing giving me the realm but Linox wants revenge and I know my own brother, he will do anything to get what he wants even if it means killing me or worst, our own father.
Linox has a temper to him, as do I but containment is not in his microscopic brain. I have seen him kill countless innocent people outside of my realm just to make me feel guilty of his own internal suffering. But there is one thing clear, if he lays on hand on Aria he will beg for mercy under the flames of my wrath.
I follow Dexton through the hallways of our home but strangely, it doesn't feel like home anymore. The walls are dull, they were before but now it feels sinister. The air even feels like it's grasping onto my lungs almost like a plague running through my veins. The halls are empty except for the mirrors staring back at me.
He leads me outside of the mansion, ash falling from the sky like snowflakes on a winter morning in the human realm. My realm looks forbidding, like war destroyed its scarce beauty.
Dexton looks back at me before turning his attention towards the Garden of Amon. He looks hopeless and that worries me. He's one of my best men and if he looks defeated something is wrong, majorly wrong.
"Someone set flames to Amon, only one Jimson Weed could be saved. It's safe in your office by the chess board for now," he says quietly.
Anger flares up my spine as I walk closer to Amon knowing I can't change anything. Ash piles fill the sidewalks as I make my way through the somber.
Before me, all my delicate flowers are gone. My mother planted those centuries ago and now they are just piles of ash against the cold ground. Who would do such a thing? The flowers provide life to my realm without the flowers I'll have nothing.
"Sir, no disrespect but you do know what you did right?" Dexton asks me as he puts his hands on my shoulder.
Clueless I look at him and begin thinking about my enemies I've wronged over the time I've ruled.
"I've done many things Dexton, I am the lord of evil. You need to be more specific," I state, clearing my throat.
"You broke a rule in your father's game. He let Linox through the border to punish you for cheating the rules. He took Rath as hostage until you deliver what he wants," he says.
"What does he want?" I question, worried that it may be Aria.
"He left a message for you, come," he states.
I follow Dexton to the gates of Apollyon and there is a fire in me that needs to escape but can't. Is this fear?
Before me, carved into my gates is scratches only Linox would leave with his foul sharp nails.
"Hello Xave, while you were off saving your little plaything I decided to burn your precious little garden. Hope you don't mind me stealing one of your men. If you want him back, bring me the last flower I knew you'd save. Or I'll exchange him for your plaything. Glad we can come to an understanding."
"God damn it you bastard," I yell slamming my fist into the wall leaving my imprint over his vile words.
"What are we going to do?" Dexton asks me as seriously as I have ever seen him.
"Well first things first, we have a guest and suddenly I'm in the mood to punish." I say with a smirk.
"Are you sure this is what you're wanting to do right now Xavier?" he says concerned.
"What else am I supposed to do with her right now? The sooner she knows about Apollyon and me the better. I'd rather she knows before Linox reaches her because I may not be gentle but he's distressing and will hurt her in ways she couldn't handle." I express satisfied with my actions.
"In the meantime, send Apex to find everyone and send them under the mansion where they will be safe in case he attacks again. We can't afford to lose anymore pawns, they won't last under his leadership," I state.
"Yes sir, you have my word," he says before kneeling before me.
Just before I go to walk back into the mansion, a vision appears in my mind. Open eyes searching a room, my room. I cast a smile across my face and looked at Dexton.
"My princess is awake, before we get all serious.. How about we have some fun?" I smirk at Dexton whose eyes are fixed on mine.
"What do you need me to do?" he asks.
"Fetch Salvton and enjoy the hunt to find her. It shouldn't be hard, she's a curious one. When you find her, grab her and bring her to me in my playroom. You can shift and hold her down for me if you'd like." I cast a wide smile when he takes interest in my offer.
"Well I do like a hunt we will be on it boss," he says with a slight smile.
"Perfect, now let's play a game with our new toy." I say before turning away.
"Don't worry Little Pawn, I'll be gentle.. for now," I say quietly as I walk back into the mansion.

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