Chapter 3

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After ensuring the hallway was empty, the young man spoke into the phone, "I guess she's gone."

"You idiot! Is this how you treat someone who saves you? By rudely leaving them alone without even saying thank you?" the feminine voice on the phone yelled at him.


The man recalled how, at the sound of his best friend's call, he had practically rushed inside his apartment to escape his benefactor's questions. It wasn't that he was scared; he just knew that he could only offer disappointing answers to her relentless inquiries. Okay, maybe he was a little scared.

"So, let me get this straight," the voice continued, its tone probing. "You left your apartment to meet me, and then somehow ended up passed out in the corridor?"

The man emitted a low hum in response as he nodded his head, even though he knew the other party wouldn't be able to see it.

"And when you woke up, a girl was crouching next to you, who informed you that you fainted and warned you not to get up, as you might get dizzy," the voice summarized, seeking clarification.

"Yes, I'm surprised you got it; I spoke like a train," the man admitted with a chuckle, acknowledging the rapid flow of his words.

"I am a writer, that's obvious. Anyways, that sounds pretty normal. What made you run away?"

"She asked me when was the last time I had eaten or drank water,"

"Also, pretty normal to ask someone who has fainted in the middle of nowhere," she replied, calm and matter-of-fact.

"I panicked," he admitted, a note of sheepishness in his voice.

A sigh erupted from the phone, indicating she probably had her hand on her forehead in exasperation or frustration.

"Do you even know where she lives?" she asked, exasperation evident in her voice.

"I'm pretty sure she moved into the apartment opposite mine," he replied, with a hint of hesitation in his voice.

"At least you're somewhat useful," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. He could almost picture her rolling her eyes on the other end of the line.

Before the male could respond, the voice on the phone spoke again,

"Well, I'm sure you didn't cause any more trouble," the voice remarked, a mixture of resignation and amusement evident in her tone.


"What? You ugly squid. What else could you have possibly done?" the voice exclaimed, a mix of incredulity and humor coloring her words.

"I kind of told her my mother is in jail," he admitted reluctantly, his tone betraying a sense of guilt.

The silence lingered for a moment before it was abruptly interrupted by a beep, signaling that the call had ended.

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A vibration from her wrist pulled the young girl's attention away from her music. Seeing the caller ID on her watch, she quickly answered the call.

"Hello, uff, my uff, dear uff manager," she said between breaths.

"...Where are you?"

"Uff, I'm running, uff, why?"

"I am outside your apartment."

"Five, uff, minutes"

The call disconnected with a beep, and a woman singing grew louder in her headphones. Eun Byeol hummed along, her pace steady as she continued running.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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