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If I could go back, I would! My night was ruined because the man I walked through the front door was a well-known enemy to my father. I walked the man that was responsible for putting my father in the hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest. Everything was okay until my father noticed me and him laughing and drinking, telling each other stories and just having fun. Daddy through the first punch and everything came out. I waited till my father was situated in the hospital and left to find Alessandro. I wanted to know why this was happening and how did it get that far.

After asking around for hours I was standing at his front door watching him watch me. His tattooed skin, colorful pictures that looked like a movie playing right on his chest. He was buff and muscular without a shirt on. I noticed he had blood still on his face, I reached for my purse to grab the napkin I had, and he stopped me.

Why are you here" he asked grabbing my hands squeezing them.

Umm I came to check on you" I said hoping he would believe me.

Hmm well how did you find me" he asked.

I asked around" I said.

And they told you ha people are so weird" he responded.

Well yeah, I guess can I come in" I asked.

Yeah" he said stepping to the side for me to walk through.

Wow was an understatement! His house was beautiful and dark. I noticed he had paintings of himself on the wall and I think his parents and friends. There was this one picture with him and a woman hugging.

Oh, that's nothing" he said flipping the picture over. Sit.

We sat and talked for a long time, so I didn't know we fell asleep on his couch with me cradled in his arms. I admit this was the best feeling ever! I woke up before him and stared at him, he had facial hair and white pearly teeth. I just couldn't believe I was laying in his arms, and we met last night and let's not forget him shooting my father.

Hi" he said.


Some women never made it this far but you it's something different" he said pulling me close to him.

I've never done this before" I said pulling away a little.

Hmm I don't believe you" he said.

Seriously I'm a virgin" I said before realizing what I was saying.

Hmm you are" he asked.

I'm sorry for too much information" I said sitting up.

No, it's not it's the right information" he said.

No, the right information would be why did you shoot my father" I said placing my hands on my hips.

Ask him then to come back to ask me again" he responded getting up putting on a shirt.

I am asking you" I said.

You don't know me to ask me that and I think it's time for you to go" he said walking to the door.

Yeah, I'll leave" I said grabbing my purse and exiting the door.

Look ask him and come back to ask me" he said before closing the door.

I walked to the road and called my driver to get to the bottom of this.

After hours going by, visiting my father, and meeting up with the girls I found myself missing Alessandro and his voice. I wondered what he was doing. wait what am I saying I don't even know him. I took out my phone to get on social media. I looked for him and finally found him. At this point I was stalking him. He posted a lot for him to be someone enemy, like him saying "I should've crossed that line last night, but I respect her a lot" and got so many likes and reposts. Who was this HER he mentioned" I thought to myself.

Okay girl you've been in your phone this whole time... is he the man from last night" Bella asked smiling.

What no dad would kill me" I said putting my phone down picking up the utensil to eat.

Come on girl have some fun" Bella said.

Isobella my father would literally kill me if I started dating the man that shot him yesterday" I said talking a little too loud.

Okay girls calm down! Do you know what happened between them" she asked looking around to see if someone was listening.

No bitch I've been IN college, and I was never aware of him beefing with someone" I said.

Well, I heard him, and your father was working together but then your father friend tried to get over and stole Alessandro money" she said humping her shoulders.

If that was possible, I really doubt my father took money and never paid it back" I said trying to think back to the summer, I left for college.

You know the summer you left your dad got into some deep money problems and people accused him of money emblazonment" she said but don't believe me I could be lying.

Well, that's a start" I said looking down at my phone.

After lunch with Bella, I went home and took a nap, I wake up to my phone ringing.

Hello" I answered.

So have you found out what happened" he asked.

What... umm who is this" I said sitting up.

Come on sweets you found me, so I investigated you" he joked.

Shut up lol but for real no I haven't, tell me what happened that day" I asked.

Come see me" he asked.

When" I asked feeling comfortable with him.

Tonight, at my house" he spoke in a whispery voice.

Umm some would think we were together" I said feeling cautious.

Wouldn't nobody know you're here" he said.

Okay ill come" I agreed and hung up the phone I wanted to know what's happening, because all they seemed to do is keep me in the dark.

I got home and went to father office to look for information. I didn't know all this goes back to the day I left for college, Bella was right and how did she know. So did my father borrow money to pay people back but forgot to pay the man who loaned him the money. I had so many questions with no answers. I decided to take a bath and put on my Yellow Casual Solid Hollowed Out Backless Square Collar Short Sleeve Dress and let my hair down. My curls really was popping!

After getting ready I decided to go to the hospital to see dad. I haven't been able to see him since the day the shooting happened because my older brother felt like I didn't deserve to know what's going on. I snuck around the hospital taking the stairs to the thirteenth floor to the ICU unit. I heard three different people talking 1 was saying father owes Less a lot of money. I figured Alessandro were who they were talking about. The second person said Well maybe if less wasn't rich and arrogant he wouldn't get fucked over by so many people, he's deadly but give too many chances. The third person stayed quiet and just agreed when one of them was right.

"Did they work for less or my father" I thought to myself. I decided to go to the 12th floor and take them elevator. Walking in I noticed father laying on the bed with cords and tubes hanging from his mouth and body. I cried silently watching my father because I was the one who did this! Everything came back on me!! I had to get out of there no wonder mother wouldn't allow me to come visit him. I needed to know what the fuck happened. I walked out of the hospital with tears in my eyes.

I walked up to his driveway and banged on the front door, I needed to know the truth!

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