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What are you doing here" I questioned him feeling pissed off.

No why did you leave me" he asked.

Ask Gia" I stated. To be honest I didn't know I was still mad till now.

Baby calm down" he said looking at me in awe.

What" I screamed.

Your leaking water or whatever that is" he said pointing at my pants.

Oh, my God I'm having the baby" I yelled losing my grip and almost falling.

All I know is I was in his hands, and he was rushing to get me to the hospital. It felt good for that moment in his hands. He was looking so handsome ordering people around calling the shots.

Sir she umm scheduled her birthing in her home" the doctor yelled at him.

No, she's having my child here and right NOW" he yelled back.

Ahhh" I screamed.



A couple of weeks went by, and she was still by my side. She was handling things for me that Gia couldn't handle, and she was working on her schooling also. We came back to New York, and she was happy I was with her, I couldn't lie she made me feel so fucking good on the inside. I loved everything about her, and I'll admit I was ready to say I love you. After convincing her teachers to take her Exams she would be graduating this fall. 

We went on dates, i bought her everything she admired but didn't buy. I was smitten and I think she knew it. The time i spent with her brought peace in my life. The ruthless side of me was taking over more than usual and i hate it. the life i lived was taking a toll and I'm grateful for Arianna.

I got up early today because I had business to handle back home, I dreaded going back home. Today felt weird and the vibe i got had me worried it was like i felt something bad happening. Last night I was woken up to Mason calling me saying a house of mine was hit and everything was stolen. This house was special to me, it was the house i bought for my queen and also the same house I kept my most valued property at. All of it stolen and it blew my mind, no one knew of this house but me and my men. i was pissed and ready to kill! i was so fucking mad i couldn't even sleep. i pulled Ari close and just laid there....

this was my wakeup call and I've officially lost sleep to an enemy.... All i was thinking about was... BLOOD.

TOMORROW MORNING I WILL EXPECT THE ROBBER IN MY HOUSE! IN MY BASEMENT WAITING FOR ME... ALSO, I WANT ALL OF MY MEN TO BE AT THE WAREHOUSE TONIGHT! IM ON THE WAY" I said before hanging up. Ari had stirred in her sleep snapping me out of it and my anger disappeared...   

The next morning, I woke her up by placing her in our tub full of hot water and bubbles. Lately she's been tired and sleeping more than ever. After class she would eat cuddle up to me and go straight to sleep. i took my clothes off and stepped in the tub before grabbing her hands to join me. she laid back on me and relaxed. It was quiet, the quiet i needed to think about everything and how i was going to handle this situation. she stirred and then stood up damn near falling just to make it to the toilet. 

Baby what's wrong" I questioned her.

I don't feel good at all" she complained.

Have you eaten anything" I asked giving her a cup of water.

I'm fine, it's probably me skipping dinner last night" she spoke wetting a rag to wipe her face.

I picked her up gently and took her to bed. I grabbed one of my shirts and told her I'll be back. I went out and got her some Nausea medicine and Ginger ale with a couple of cans of soup. I'm taking them with us so she can have something easy to eat on this 4-hour flight. When I finally got back to the house, she was laying down watching tv, i just stared at her with a smirk... 

Baby lay with me" she said.

I laid down and she was fast asleep in my arms. I smiled and pulled her closer, she had me doing things I've never done before.


Isobella come see me" I said when she answered the phone.

No" she stated with an attitude.

Why" I asked with a smirk.

Because you didn't tell me my best friend was with Less" she complained.

So" I said.

So, you won't get none of my pussy" she responded.

Whatever get your ass to my house NOW" I said hanging up the phone.

Did I care she was Roman's girl... NO...  He didn't care about Mariah when he fucked her and told me she belonged to him. So, I hit it where I knew it was gone hurt... Isobella...

Knock knock

I opened my door and there she was standing there looking so fucking good! I pulled her in and kissed her fiercely, she was the only one I had a small amount of feelings for. I pulled her in and kissed her more, but she stopped me, and I was lost in the sauce. I wanted her to kiss me back but instead she was pushing me back telling me NO. She was mad at me, and I didn't know why..

Why" I asked trying to move closer.

I said no" she said harshly.

Isobella" I groaned.

Why didn't you tell me? We got in this relationship telling each other things" she said pouting turning around from me.

I walked up to her and pulled her back to my chest and kissed her neck. I didn't know just like you didn't. I found out like a couple of weeks ago. I promise I wound of told you" I said kissing her jaw and smelling her hair.

And I know you didn't hit me with that, you have a whole other man your fucking" I stated.

I'm leaving him, he slapped me and forcefully fucked me, and I don't play like that" she stated.

Oh, I hear you now can we please fuck" I asked awkwardly.

Yes baby" she moaned...


It's been weeks and I haven't seen or heard from him. It's like he disappeared into thin air. Would it be possible that he was with her back in New York. I was always two grades ahead of her and I finished class last summer. That couldn't be where he was with her... at this point it was no need for me to care anymore! This was the last time he was going to play me like that!

Hey Charlie, I got a proposition for you. call me when you gets this" I said ending the call downing the liquor I've been nursing since I walked into the club.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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