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"Joshua! What the heck, you scared me, you idiot. Why didn't-" Jeonghan's words trailed off as he suddenly realized that his dear best friend was clearly drunk.

"What the heck, I thought you stopped drinking!" he exclaimed, concern evident in his voice.

"Jeonghan-" Joshua slurred, hugging him tightly like a koala and sobbing. With Joshua clinging to him, Jeonghan guided them into the house, gently patting his back to comfort him.

After few minutes the sound of sobbing started to fade.

"Are you ok?" Jeonghan asked, his voice tinged with concern. "Care to explain what happened?" He waited anxiously for an explanation.

"I'm not," Joshua replied, his voice muffled by sniffling. "Jeonghan-ah, I said something I shouldn't have." He paused, the weight of his words hanging heavily in the air as he continued to sniffle.

Jeonghan waited for him to countinue.

"Seokmin, He confessed to me today." He looked into Jeonghan's eyes for a moment, serching for understanding before continuing.

"Hyung I like you!" Seokmin's gaze locked onto Joshua.

Joshua looked taken aback at first.
"Seokmin-ah I'm really sorry but I have only seen you as my friend and we have only known each other for a year." Joshua replied calmly.

"Hyung I have liked you for five years it's just you didn't know me, and I knew you worked here so I joined here for the training. It's ok if you want to stay as fri-" Seokmin's voice trailed off when he saw Joshua's expression shift.

One thing Joshua despised above all was being stalked.

"You stalked me? Huh, my bad for judging you so easily. I thought you were a good guy, but look who you turned out to be-a STALKER," he spat out the word, anger clear in his voice.

Seokmin's eyes welled up with tears, his heart heavy with disappointment. He never expected this reaction from his hyung. All he wanted now was to clear the small misunderstanding. He didn't care if his hyung accepted his proposal or not, he just longed to return to the way things used to be, to the warmth of their friendship.

"Hyung I-" He was cut off by Joshua's words.

"Don't call me that!" Joshua spat, his words filled with venom. At this point he wasn't even thinking before speaking, the dark memories of the past came back flooding, threatening to drag him back into a place he never wanted to visit again.

The impact of his harsh words struck Seokmin hard. Tears that had been welling up in his eyes now flowed freely down his cheeks. Seeing Seokmin cry jolted Joshua, making him reconsider the gravity of his outburst.

"I never stalked you," Seokmin's voice trembled. "I found out accidentally. I'm sorry. I'll never bother you again." He locked eyes with Joshua, a final sorrowful gaze before turning away. As Seokmin walked off, Joshua stood frozen, guilt surging through his veins . He never wanted say all those hurtful words but it just came out.

"Jeonghan-ah, it wasn't me who was speaking," Joshua choked out, his voice cracking. "I never wanted to say those words to him. The past... it swallowed me whole, and I lost control. I said all those hurtful things, and I made him cry." He broke down into sobs, tears streaming down his face. Jeonghan watched, his heart aching for his friend.

"Shh... Joshua, calm down," Jeonghan whispered, pulling him into a comforting embrace. "I know you didn't mean to say any of those things. The past has a way of creeping up on us when we least expect it. I can see how hard this is for you. Let's get some rest and talk more tomorrow."

Jeonghan understood the depth of Joshua's pain. He knew the battles Joshua had fought, the scars that still lingered. The past often seemed impossible to heal. But Jeonghan was determined to help Joshua find peace, one step at a time.

Next morning:
"Good morning, Shuajii," Jeonghan greeted, his face lit up with a warm smile.

"Good morning," Joshua murmured, barely audible.

"Still not over yesterday?" Jeonghan asked gently. Joshua didn't respond, instead, he slumped onto the kitchen counter, his head hanging low.

"Why don't you text him? Or maybe give him a call? Apologizing might help," Jeonghan suggested with a hint of encouragement.

Joshua's eyes flickered with a spark of hope. Without wasting a moment, he dashed to his room, snatched his phone from the nightstand, and returned to the kitchen. Sitting back on the counter, he nervously dialed Seokmin's number.

"Hannie... he isn't picking up," Joshua said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Try texting him," Jeonghan urged, offering a reassuring smile.

"Jeonghan-ah..." Joshua looked up, his eyes brimming with sadness. "I think he blocked me."

"Ayy, don't look so defeated," Jeonghan said, his tone light but comforting. With a swift motion, he handed Joshua his phone. "Try calling him from my number."

"Jeonghan-ah," Joshua looked at him, eyes downcast and voice heavy with sorrow. "I think he blocked me."

"Ayy, don't wear that sad face," Jeonghan said, offering his phone with a reassuring smile. "Try calling him from my number."

Joshua hesitated, then shook his head with a small, determined smile. "No, Hannie, it's okay. I'll apologize to him in person. Phone calls might just lead to more misunderstandings. Talking face-to-face will help. Let's focus on our mission first, and then we'll sort this out."

"That's my boy!" Jeonghan exclaimed, giving a proud thumbs up. Joshua felt a surge of confidence from his friend's unwavering support.

At Seokmin's place:
"Aish Min, stop crying like a child," his brother scolded.

"Hyung, you don't understand," Seokmin sobbed, clutching his brother tightly. "It hurts so much."

"You called me at 3:00 in the morning, weeping like you were about to die. I almost got into an accident rushing to get to you," his brother replied, the memory of his panicked drive still fresh in his mind. "I swear, the first thing I'm gonna do after getting out of here is to take a life insurance for myself and my car." Seeing Seokmin's swollen and red eyes made him worried a bit so he tried to joke but seeing no reaction from him made him realise how serious this is.

"Anyway, whoever made you cry, just say the name. I swear I'll crush his bones," his brother growled, fists clenched in anger.

"No, Hyung, don't. I'm perfectly fine," Seokmin insisted, his voice barely above a whisper. "Let's... let's just forget about this chapter."

His brother studied him for a moment, then softened. "Alright, if that's what you want. But if anyone ever hurts you again, you tell me."

Seokmin took a deep breath and nodded. "And about the job offer you gave me... I accept."

A proud smile spread across his brother's face. "That's the spirit, Min. We'll get through this together."

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