Teased : Bucky x reader light bondage PWP

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You ground your hips down, dragging your clothed core along his bare shaft as your panties grew ever more damp. He was wide, spreading you apart, even with a cloth barrier still in your way. It was torturous to you as well as it was to him, but you still watched with amusement as he ground his teeth together.

Leaning over him, your breasts pillowed over his face as you reached for the length of rope still tightly tied around his wrist. You curled your finger around it, finding no slack in the tether as Bucky pulled against his binding. His hand was clenched into a tightly balled fist, making the muscles in his arm and shoulder bulge and stiffen.
You pulled your finger back quickly, plucking at the rope like an untuned string.

You had agreed to try something new, not knowing he'd leave his vibranium hand behind before asking you to tie the other arm back. You supposed it would have been too easy to break the bindings with the augmented limb, but it's possible he wanted to show you himself under true vulnerability.

You were hesitant when he first asked, but when you knew he was comfortable with the arrangement he had proposed, you happily agreed. It was then that you couldn't help but tease him as much as he'd let you.

His face pinched ever tighter as you circled your still-covered bud on his throbbing tip. A few of the veins that ran along his skin looked as if they could nearly burst at their seams, and you knew his frustration was about to boil over.

"Don't push your luck, princess." He seethed with a half-devilish grin as he nuzzled up into your tits.

"That so? Is the big bad Bucky gonna get me?" You pinched the end of the rope near where it knotted his wrist to the bed frame before giving it another slight tug.

You pressed your hips down again, feeling the twitch of his cock still pressing to the core of your dampened panties. He bit down a deep groan before it could rumble out past his teeth.

"You don't know what you're messing with." He said it with a short chuckle, but there was little to no amusement in his voice.

"Maybe I'd like to find out." Your fingers slid down the length of the rope until your nail was caught on the thick loop knotted near his wrist, and you pulled until it came loose.
Bucky's hand shot out at the same second, snatching up your throat and tightening around it. The tether was no obstacle after all, and you were just as easily dragged from your perch atop his hips to being pressed into the plush comforter. His bare cock digging into the skin of your exposed belly as you squirmed with joy.

There was no fear; only a thrill fluttered in your belly as you willingly submitted to his might. He may have asked to be tied, but you used it to fuel his irritation in the best way possible. You riled him like a bear in a cage, making him ready to devour you.

He wanted a reason to break free. He needed a reason to tear you apart, like he knew you loved.

"Not so mouthy now, are'ya princess?" He spoke through his teeth, his grip tightening around your pretty little neck, letting his palm slowly crush your throat. It made you melt right into his fingers as they dug in just a little tighter.
He lays himself down overtop of you, letting his weight squish you into the bed and his cock dig into the soft flesh of your thigh.

"Now it's your turn, you fucking tease." He leaned in, tickling the tip of your nose with his before dragging it along your cheek and planting a soft kiss under your ear.
His face left yours in an instant, and a rush of cool air filled your chest once he pulled his hand from your throat to paw his way down your body.

Bucky's member throbbed painfully from the way you'd goaded him on with the drag of your rough cotton panties. You'd left him hanging in limbo for an hour before he could pull free; now he was determined to torture you just as you did to him.

His fingers tickled along your hip as he hooked them into the front of your panties before finally tearing the fabric down your legs.
You weren't given a single moment of freedom as his hand snapped down against your pelvis, pressing your lower body flush against the blankets.
He kept his fingers close to your core, using his thumb to spread your lower lips so that your wet and wild flower was open to him.

He arched his body, pushing himself down the bed so he could lean in closer. His breath was a cloud of heat against your sensitive pink center as he flicked his tongue out to lap up your sweet nectar.

You shivered at the drag of his teeth and tongue as he devoured your core. It left you clawing at the blankets beneath you, as you didn't have nearly enough strength to squirm away.

Bucky's heavy hand slid up from your thigh to press against your belly; better to hold you down as he savored your sticky, sweet center.
You mirrored his previous struggle, biting back each whine so as to not give him the immediate satisfaction of hearing you squeal from the slide of his tongue.
Your resolve broke almost immediately as it flicked up to tease at your hidden bud, making you shiver out a particularly high-pitched moan.

You threw your head back towards the pillows, fingers knotting into the blankets beside you as he twisted his tongue further down into your wet channel.

"This doesn't feel like a punishment, Bucky." You barely mumbled as his fingers slipped back down into the mix, digging further than his wet muscle could manage. The tip of his digits tickled at a sweet, spongy spot along your inner walls, making your hips quake against his face.

Your words were your immediate undoing, and you felt his teeth wrack against your sensitive bud.
Your hand flew to his hair, tangling in the thick locks and tugging on them to pull his lips from your core. His touch was too rough, making the spikes of electric pleasure tickle all the way up your back.

You would reach your end on his terms only and as hard as he wished it to be for his own amusement. His lips were torn away just as you felt that spring in your belly tighten and twist. You whined from the loss of his touch, but he would not be swayed by your cries, not after having you tease him for so long.

"No cumming until I say you can." He bore his teeth this time, dragging his face back to yours as he growled down at you.

His heavy hand still kept you pinned to the bed beneath him. Yet, without the aid of his fingers to better guide himself, he had to blindly prod at your core with the tip of his already angry and throbbing member.
You cowered a little under his large body, letting his giant shadow eat away at your skin as he breached the tight opening of your cunt and spread your inner walls apart.

He forces a sharp mewl from your lungs upon slamming his hips against yours. It was such a rush when you made him get this way; it was always so animalistic. His pace was just as unforgiving as he was, and as he leaned in for a kiss it's anything but gentle. A near-violent exchange of tongue and teeth as each of you bites back for dominance, all while he's pumping into you with equal fervor.

You're squirming underneath his hard body, feeling the feverish drag and pull of his cock pistoning through your aching channel, and he can't get enough. You twisted so tightly around him that he feared he'd erupt too soon, and he tried to slow his movements.

You wrapped your legs around his waist, pressing your heels against his back to spur him on. You didn't want to stop, not as you began to unravel around him first.

The air was filled with expletives as you pushed Bucky's hips to collide with yours over and over until he had you crying out alongside him. His hips shook as his cock sputtered his spendings along your inner walls as you quaked around him. You sang his name until your voice cracked.

The air was punched from his body as his member seized within the tight hug of your inner walls. He didn't pull himself free as his cock spasmed and spilled inside you. His hips still sputtered as he climaxed, painting the both of you in the overspill of his cum.

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