Sabom French : French (The debt collector) x reader

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After French first moved to Chicago in an effort to supplement his 'night job," he was more than thrilled to see his dream of successfully running a gym come to fruition. Sure, there were hard times, much like there were the first time he tried it, but after the grind he'd been through to get here, it's never looked better.

He'd initially started these women's self-defense classes with the hope of drumming up more business, and it worked amazingly. Yet, there's always plenty of turnover in classes like these, but a good few seem to always stay for the long haul. You were one of the good few, but sometimes it felt like you were one in a billion.

He didn't go into this with any intention of having anyone catch his eye, nor did he intend on catching yours. But, you seemed to have found a way to linger at the back of his mind even after you would leave with the rest of the class.

You've come so far since those rough first few weeks. A sentiment he often thinks about as he watches you take down a larger opponent in only a few moves. It was impressive how much you'd learned, and it made him feel even better as a teacher to have helped you get this far.

It was about time he graduated you to a new belt, but he'd been putting it off until he could let a few other students move up as well.

When he called the last sparring match, the class moved to sit in formation. "Good work today. I hope to see all of you next week, as some of you will be moving up a belt level. Not all, but some."

You heard a couple scoffs behind you, but you didn't care about the other women who joined thinking it would be an easy class or to just eyefuck the instructor. You eyefucked him plenty, but at least you were learning something.

"Now don't let that discourage those of you who are new to the class as you watch other people move up. Remember, there is plenty of time to grow."

"Now, recite the tenets of Taekwon-do.."

The rest of the closing ceremony is recited as usual; he leads as the class follows, and you all finish with the bow. He gives a bow back before rising back upright and his students follow suit.

"See you all next week." He said with a smile, and everyone took the opportunity to walk back to the lockers to get changed and leave, including you.

You listened in on the small conversations the other women had as they got dressed in their street clothes. A little of 'this class was harder than I thought', 'what a good workout', and 'the instructor is so hot'.

You would agree immensely, but you often keep to yourself instead and tune everyone else out.

When you first started, you were nervous and not particularly good at any of the moves within the first few weeks, but an intense fire you never knew you could have burned inside your belly to earn some form of his praise. You needed just a little bit to spur you on for the rest of your week, and you fought hard to earn it.

"Hey.." he called out to you as you slung your duffle over your shoulder and exited the locker room, your name rolling right off his tongue towards your wanting ears.

You turned from your original direction towards the exit and walked up to where he stood instead. "Do you mind staying after class for a quick chat?"

"N-no not at all." You forced a smile, hoping it was good news. Luckily, his inviting smile assured you it would be as he led you to his office.

You walked through to the small workspace and took a seat near the door as he sat at his desk and addressed you. "Alright love, so I've noticed your progress over the last few months, and I think it's time you moved up to the next belt."

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