An Elegant Affair

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Ben was flabbergasted – not by the beautiful woman on his arm but by the reaction of his friend to said woman. In all the time he had known Tom Hiddleston, Ben had never seen him lost for words – until tonight.

Mind you Ben himself was pretty speechless, entering a room with a princess on his arm was not a usual occurrence for him either despite what the rest of the world may think about the British upper-class. They didn't all know each other. Though the way Tom was looking at Princess Victoria, he wouldn't be surprised if they did know each other – if they didn't then Tom's open-mouthed, guppy-like expression might have been considered rude instead of a state of shock. If he was shocked at the appearance of Princess Vicky then he wasn't the only one. Up until a few hours ago Ben had been expecting to be joined in Cannes by Prince Edward or maybe Prince Charles, both had been involved in the documentary he had worked on as narrator and he had been told one or the other would be here with them. The documentary was made by Edward's production company from an idea from Prince Charles.

But when the director and writer arrived on the plane, he had been pleasantly surprised to find that their travelling companion (along with two security guards) was neither of the middle-aged men but the young princess. He'd been unsure at first about her presence, it smacked of a publicity stunt sending the beautiful young woman rather than her uncle or father.

And she was beautiful and, despite rocking up casually dressed in jeans, strappy sandals and a white linen shirt she had the air of a princess, a regal confidence. She had smiled at him with those incredibly beautiful blue eyes and his mind had started to change.

But while she had proven an attractive travelling companion, what had really struck him was her intelligence and her incredible knowledge about his industry. Choosing Victoria had not all been about window dressing after all and it only took her a few minutes to prove it. She was passionate and knowledgeable about the subject of the documentary but also about the movie industry. The longer he sat next to her the more he realised that it wasn't a publicity stunt but a very shrewd and intelligent move to sell an important ecological message in a pretty package. The longer he sat next to her the more he liked it, the more he liked her. In fact he was disappointed when the plane landed and ended their discussion on the great roles in Shakespeare for women as opposed to now.

He'd invited her, and the rest of their entourage, to dinner, something he had patted himself on the back for when she emerged from her hotel room in a fitted, short blue shift dress overlayed with jade lace. Her makeup, as with the plane, was simple but fresh and the colour of the dress and her make-up enhanced her eyes even more and the length of her dress and her strappy blue pumps showed off her legs and made her considerably taller than him. He had to look up into those eyes but the view was worth the climb.

Ben was, however, less impressed with his decision when he saw the affect she had on Tom. If he thought he might get a chance to wine and dine and get to know Victoria better, he now knew he had competition. Tom had gone quiet and his eyes had widened in shock until he looked like a young child on Christmas morning. He looked to his companion and saw her giving him a guarded but genuinely warm smile. He wondered briefly again if they knew each other and how – Tom was always quick to tell everyone that while he was a year in front of Prince William at school they didn't know each other. But the looks passing between these two weren't those of strangers. And she'd singled him out when they arrived "Hello Mr Hiddleston, fancy seeing you here!" mmm.

The whole table had gone quiet at the appearance of Tory and Ben and their group.

"Wow I wish I always had that affect on a crowd," Ben had said smiling at the princess, deciding not to ask about her connection to Tom. Tory blushed. When she had asked for this job, her uncle had been reluctant while her father had been so excited that she was taking an interested in his causes that he had immediately set about making it happen. She didn't have the heart to tell him it had been motivated by seeing Tom; by wanting to be there for what she knew was a big moment in his life, something they had imagined growing up. Mind you her father was a lot quicker on the up-take then she had given him credit for - as she had been leaving for the airport, after one last pep-talk about the movie he had smiled and told her to "say hello to Mr Hiddleston" for me.

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