Loki of Hall H

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A new baby always makes you miss the people you've lost– well that's what Tory was thinking as she watched the new young family in its early moments.

She was thinking how much her mother would have loved this – loved being here, holding her new grandson. In nine days it would be 16 years since they lost her and yet as she saw that little baby, she thought she saw an echo of Diana.

She'd grown up a lot since that day, her life had moved on, but it didn't mean she didn't miss her mother every day and she missed her more right now than she ever had.

Right now she wanted her arms around her. She wanted her to coo at the baby and be excited about what had happened.

Right now she wanted someone to share this moment with. She felt a part of a living breathing family but at the same time she'd never felt more alone.

Not since that day.

It's funny how birth and death seem to bring out such strong reactions and at times seem so close together. The tears of joy, the tears of grief, the fear of the future – will I be a good aunt? Will I be able to go on without her?

She wasn't going to cry again.

The little one had been weighed and checked and all was good.

There was no need to cry.

Maybe there was, but there was no need to telegraph it to her brother.

She needed to get out of there.

Actually right now she had to get out – she had things to do, duties to perform. Wills had already rung Kate's parents, their father and Harry but there were others to tell.

She quietly said her goodbyes and backed out of the room leaving them to enjoy their moment – they'd done the hugging and kissing and thanking so there was no need to carry on.

This was the no fuss exit.

Once outside she took a deep breath – Marcus was there – and he hugged her tight – totally against protocol but very needed.

She kind of wished it was Martin but he wasn't working today – he wasn't back from holidays until later in the week. She was kind of sorry he missed this. He'd have loved to have been the one in the front next to William. But it wasn't to be, life didn't work out the way you wanted it to – she knew that first hand.

However before she could dwell on that point she pulled herself back, back to the here and now back to her plan of attack.

There were usually formal channels that were followed with the birth of a royal baby – more so when it was a direct heir to the throne but her grandmother had allowed her to be the one to spread the word. She pulled out her phone to find three messages from Tom as well a few texts and she was tempted to check them.

Not now – they would be her treat for later – duties first – always duties first she thought ruefully.

She sat in the special family sitting room that had been set up with Marc at her side and rang her grandparents.

They were waiting for the call and had her on speaker phone bickering back and forward, wanting all the vital statistics though Pops did tell her she could "spare the gory details". She assured them William would call them soon (he was in trouble if he didn't – she wondered if he'd enjoy a night in the tower?)

Next was the formal stuff, William's private secretary to the deliver the official news and start the ball rolling to tell the rest of the nation they had another king in waiting.

The Lost Princess (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfiction) Wattpad FeaturedWhere stories live. Discover now