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it's been a few days since me and newt have talked since my birthday. I haven't really talked to anyone, I've even been in the maze or in bed.

I woke up today, and went to do my daily morning tasks but didn't see newt anywhere. Today I wanted to talk Minho who I haven't talk to for a while. I walked into his hut, it was the runners day off. As I slowly opened the door I said gently "hey min, can I come in" "oh hey yn, ofc". I slowly walked in and sat on his bed while he was fidgeting through stuff. It was silence until he said "so I thought you were in the maze today because newt said he was going to find you" "really?!" I replied in shock "ya really anyways runner I've missed you but you should go find newt". I shocked me head and hugged him then ran out.

I ran through the maze and kept running for hours until I heard a bang. I turned around and saw newt on the floor. I screamed and ran up to him, his face all bloody and his foot cracked strangely. I put him on my lap and stroked his hair. I ripped part of his shirt off and wrapped it round his head. I had my bag on me and had some cold water so poured it over his head. He was breathing but barely. His eyes slowly woke up and I kissed his head with tears in my eyes and whispered "y/n here newtie". He slowly woke up but was weak "y/..n" I said loudly I'm here over and over again.

After sometime I pick him up and leaned him on me. He passed out and I had him on my back and ran slowly. It was late but when I got to the door I screamed as loud as I can and everyone came over. Jeff grabbed newt off me and I fainted.

Writer note :::
I'm doing my exams right now so I won't post for a while!'

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