Chapter 5

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Mugman had his eyes wide open for the whole thing. He could feel her embrace, he knew exactly what was happening at this specific moment. He could smell Bonbon's aroma of cotton candy and strawberries. He could feel the raw emotion Bonbon was putting into this kiss, the kind that was supposed to make him kiss back. There was no stopping this, he couldn't really explain the emotion he was feeling in his heart in the moment. He was surprised, shocked, but most of all, he felt confused. Why is she doing this? Why now? But most important question was: why hasn't he pulled away?

Baroness had finally done it, she had finally confessed her feelings for the goofy, mug headed man she loved for a long time. She was putting everything she felt about him to this kiss. The very kiss that would turn him away from mutant! It had hurt her deeply when she learned that Mugman had fallen for a hip shaking, tuna canning, Octopus wearing as a wig harlot! So this needed to be the thing that tilts the scales in her favor.

Baroness pulled away, she was breathing heavily as she looked at Mugman, whose look of surprise subsided.

"I chose you Mugman. I.....I'm in love with you." She confessed "I've felt this way ever since you saved me from falling to my death, not to mention saving me from the devil. Ever since that day, my feelings for you got stronger and stronger. I wanted to tell you every day since then, I even befriended your obnoxious brother just to get closer to you! Just...please " Baroness said, so embarrassed to say those words, she was blushing madly.

"Bonbon I........I.......I.....I need some time to think!" He yelled out as he ran off. In his scramble to run, he dropped his straw.

Before Bonbon could stop him. She came to a realization, she unloaded a lot on Mugman out of nowhere, she didn't even give time to process the kiss before she actually confessed to him. This was her fault. As she saw Mugman leave passed the drawbridge and into the warm night, tears began to well up in her eyes as she stared at Mugmans straw on the floor.

She began choking on her back tears as her anger built up. "Good Job Bonbon.......way to ruin it forever. Because of Course he doesn't feel that way, what was I thinking?! Forcing myself on him like that?! Why did I fall for him anyway? He's such a little......jerk. See, Communication Bonbon! Maybe you should keep all your feelings to yourself! Because he's too busy being a little jerk! Why did he have to be so-"


"-Forward. Why did she have to wait until now to say something. Then there's me of all characters, Of course I freaked out. But I guess I should've said something. She caught me completely off guard, that's all. I guess I should've explained myself more. Come to think of it, I never had anyone tell me they loved me like she did. I guess-"


"-That's why I fell In love with him. He's just so loveable all the time. When I first met him, I didn't think I would ever be like this towards him, he was so....just like his brother. But I guess It was a bad move to tell him all that in one fell sweep. Hopefully I didn't scare him off, knowing who he feels for. Oh, it's not fair what I did to him. He could've handled it a little better, But I guess I caught him off guard. I hope that's all I've done. I need to apologize to him, then maybe I can tell him at a slower pace."


"Maybe a good night's sleep is all I really need," Mugman said as he made his way home.

Once Mugman made it home, He sees that Cuphead wasn't home yet. While Mugman wondered where his brother was, he was also kinda relieved he wasn't home. He couldn't really face his own brother after what went down after all that just went down with Bonbon. He went inside his home and saw Elder Kettle sitting near the fireplace reading a book titled 'The Ink Machine'. He hears the door shut and turns to see Mugman.

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