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God I can't believe my mom is making me where a shirt. Making me is an understatement. She says "other girls like this guy so maybe you can make friends" yea whatever mom. At least she let me wear my favorite fucking socks. Normally she doesn't like me wearing them in public. She said and I quote 'they're embarrassing' I let out a chuckle and rolled my eyes when I saw someone that was staring at me. Shit don't tell me it's one of his followers.

He started walking this way and I started getting scared. I turned around and went to run when I felt someone grab my wrist. I turn around to meet the guy I was trying to run away from. "Hello" I said trying to still run "why are you trying to run?" "You don't know do you?" "Know what?"

I should ask him. Ask him to do the impossible, that's only an understatement.

"I need your help" "what?" He asked confused "I need help to get away from a man, a man who is dangerous and out to kill me, I need you to take me with you even though you don't know me, take me somewhere far away from here, and I need you to keep in contact with me until they day he finds me, then we strike" he looked surprised at what I just asked, I just know it's a no. "Okay?" I asked the blonde "I'm not fucking okay I just met you and your asking me to do something insane!" He looked at me with scare in his eyes "Listen I knew you were going to say no but it was worth asking" I turned and started walking away when I felt someone grab my hand. I turn to face the blonde again "I'm in" he said smiling.

Who in there right mind would agree to something this dangerous?

Let alone who would talk to a scary ass stranger.

"I'm Michael" he looks at me. And I see him "Hi Michael, no we need to run" we grabbed my hand and started running. We arrived at a big van. With tally marks on it. What? Whatever he is helping me. I run into the van and before I'm in Michael yells "just sit down ASAP" so I sit down once I get in, bad idea. I'm sitting on someone. "Oh my god I'm sorry" I looked and saw there were no more seats so I got up, just as I went to sit down he picked me back up. "It's fine" "oh um thank you" "I'm Calum" then a bit in a bandana hit Calum in the shoulder "stop hitting on the poor girl your acting her" I just smile at Ashton. He scoots over and I sit next to him. Now sitting by a blonde as well. "Jesus Christ how many of you are there?" "Just us three, unless you count Luke as a human" Calum said. I didn't know Luke but I stood up and smacked Calum across the face "never say shit like that in front of me or near me, next time will be worse, I do not tolerate rudeness or bullying" "what ever Mrs.All American" he sasses back. Bows the time. "Yea what ever your just jealous of me" nope not now. Maybe later. "Ha jealous of you? Your ugly and honey that bl-" I just hit him in the face and took him down to the ground until bandana boy pulled me off "enough" he said looking pissed off. I then noticed my arms where covered in blood. Not his. My'n. Shit,my cuts opened. They all saw Ashton flung me across the van "your going to get me bloody you whore!" I started crying and not stopping the blood. Maybe, just maybe I can die.

Then a hand landed on my shoulder. It was the other boy. "Thank you" he said and then picked me up bridal style and set me in the bathroom. He started to wrap my arms. "Thank you again" "for what?" He looked me in the the eyes "Im Luke" I just hugged him, I hugged him so tight. "When Calum doesn't get a girl he throws all his anger on me" "oh my god that's horrible, that monster, and bandana boy stuck up for that!" I yelled louder then needed "he normally doesn't, I was shocked as fuck when he threw you" then a loud bang on the door that would not stop started. Luke opened the door and Bandana boy ran in and hugged me. I tried my damn hardest to push away but I couldn't. I started crying.


It was dark and he was being so nice and I was crying so he hugged me and I hugged back I let go but he wouldn't I tried to push away but it was no use. Later that night he raped me.

Flashback over

"Ashton what the fuck she won't answer us now" I saw Luke crying and Bandana boy to and who's in the hall way? CALUM! Why the fuck was he crying? I just coughed and they all looked at me and hugged me I pushed away and everyone let go, but Calum. I started shaking then Luke yelled "CALUM LET GO!" He did as told as he realized I was scared. Calum and Ashton I think it was were telling me how sorry they were. Ashton told me that he just hates blood because it reminds him of his past. And he got pissed off. Calum on the other hand said the same thing Luke did. That he was letting his anger out on Luke and he usually isn't stood up to.


"We never caught your name" Ashton said. I looked around me scared "is it clear Mikey?" He nodded "my name is Amnesia" I just kinda smiled. Mikey told them about all he knew "now why are you running away from a man?" "His name is Ben and he is trying to kill me" Luke then asks me a question "Hemmings?" "How did you know?" "That's my brother" he said with tears starting. "Why? Why is he thing to kill you" "because he raped me and is afraid I will tell authorities" he hugs me. Wtf? "I'm so sorry, I don't know why he would hurt someone as beautiful as you" "that's what he said to me the night he raped me, also the night my dad abused me." He looked even worse "your that amnesia, Amnesia Sivan, The one that randomly left Bens life. Oh my god. I'm so sorry" he started crying, finally remembering me. "How's your mom?" That surprised him "she's alright" "how's Troye and Tyde?" "I don't know, Ben said if I don't leave them he will murder them" he was sad. "Oh my god, Amnesia I'm sorry, I truley am, I didn't remember you because you were so shy. He did this to you. The Amnesia I knew and had a crush on as a kid. He fucked her up. And I just can't. I need to leave" he ran to the bunks. "Amnesia?" Someone asks behind me. "Yes?" I turned to face Ashton "I missed you" he then hugged me. OH MY GOD THAT ASHTON! "Oh my god" I whispered "its you" I whispered again. i hugged him even harder.

This was the Ashton who was my first kiss, my first love, my first boyfriend, my Ashton, the one who carved our name in a tree. The tree I went to every night when I left the Hemmings and the Sivans life's. "I missed you" I said crying. Then I heard gasps "OH MY GOD WE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU" the other boys yelled. I giggled and so did Ashton. Then there was a knock. Michael went to answer it "Hello?" He slammed the door and told me to hide. So I ran to Luke. He hid me beside him. Then I heard him come in here "hey Luke you said you had a surprise for me?" "Yes it's right here" he ripped the blankets off me and he laughed. How could he? Ben then grabbed me and pinned me to the ground and started beating me "HELP!ASHTON HELP!" Why did I tell for Ash out of everyone. Then I heard someone come over. But it was just Luke bringing his brother a knife. WAIT WHAT "ASHTON HE HAS A KNIFE, MIKEY,CAL!" Then I was stabbed in the stomach repeatedly and I was now whimpering. This was it. I was soon to be dead. Then I saw Someone I never thought would be there. It was Luke, wait two Luke's? Like ripped Ben off and pulled of the mask to the helper and it was my dad. "Dad?" "Hello Am" then I got up and ran to the living room as quick as I could. "Someone call help" "oh my god Am" Mikey yelled coming in the door with bags. "Guys forget the shit call an ambulance" then Ash came running in, oh my god, he can't see me like this.

"Don't move Calum is calling" then he ran to me and held me even though there was blood "Ash...blood" "it didn't remind me of my mom, it reminded me of you" I then knew what he meant.

The time he walked in on me. With Luke. The day before it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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