Back Again

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the irony of the tittle of the one shot and this being my first one back is funny. but, i hope you enjoy the throwback.

It's about 5:30 and Cheryl just got finished cheerleading practice. She was in the locker room, trying to stall as long as she could. Before this moment, Cheryl was asked by Toni to meet her at the Dark Room after practice. Although this was an amazing offer, Cheryl couldn't help but doubt whether she should've gone or not. Not because of all of the complications- actually, because of the complications Toni brought to her attention.

She couldn't help but ponder on the thoughts of if she should engage with Toni. Although Toni was a beautiful and amazing woman, she didn't want Toni to be uncomfortable. She was ready to put her feelings aside and keep going about life, regardless of if she had an immense amount of interest in the brunette. As she felt the water getting cold, she turned the shower off and got dressed. The outfit contained a fitted sweater, a big skirt, and a scarf, that was placed around her neck, to compliment her outfit.

Once she got finished getting freshened up, she made her way out of the locker room and school. She got into her red convertible and made her way to the Dark Room. This wasn't the first time she had been there, but due to the circumstances, this was a bit nerve-wracking for her. As she pulled up, she saw a few of her friends, alongside Toni's, outside talking to one another. When she got out, she greeted everyone and made her way in.

When she walked in, she saw the brunette sitting on the couch reading a book. Specifically, The Cost of Pepper that she had previously given back to the brunette. She chuckled a little bit, given the coincidence of it all. She made her way over and made eye contact with the brunette.

"I thought you were going to stand me up," Toni said with a chuckle.

Cheryl gave a small smile and sat in the chair opposite of her. "Never would I ever."

"That's good to know," Toni said, a smile sneaking on her lips. "But, as you know, I wanted to talk to you today about what us rekindling would look like," Toni spoke. Cheryl gave a small nod, ensuring Toni that she was listening and understood her.

"So, I just want to say that I'm sorry for if it seems I'm playing with your feelings. I was telling the truth when I said I wasn't a steady-going person, especially when it comes to relationships. I've just never had those types of relationships growing up, so I sabotage myself when something good finally comes along," Toni confessed. Not only did a small smile creep onto Cheryl's lips, but a sense of understanding filled her mind.

"But, despite me sporadically ruining some good things, I do have a sense of myself. And, that's another reason why I wanted to talk with you about us," Toni said. Cheryl knew what she was hinting at, or at least partially hinting at.
"If we are able to make this work, I don't want you to put me in a box because you want to protect me. I appreciate the thought of it so much, but I've fought so hard to be open about myself that I cannot allow myself to be put down again. I don't want that. At all," Toni stated.

"Of course, I won't do it again. I'll try not to, at least. It's just the last thing I want is to see you get hurt," Cheryl responded softly.

"I also want to talk about this... facade you put on at school. Specifically towards boys. You don't have to do that, Cheryl. Don't make yourself seem like you're about something you, deep down, cannot famish the thought of. I know you want to uphold your view as HBIC of Riverdale High, but you can do that without faking the funk of things," Toni spoke. "And, that is solely for your sake rather than mine," Toni added.

Cheryl put her head down as she started to play with her nails a bit. She didn't want Toni to have to tell her this, she didn't want anyone to tell her this, because she wanted to hold onto some sort of safety in her life. And, although her safety net shouldn't be boys, it ensured her a safe life.

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