The Saloon Girl Pt. 2

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That day, Cheryl went to sleep with one person on her mind: Toni- or Antoinette, as she preferred. She had to see the brunette again, not only because she had her property, but also because she liked the enticing feeling she felt from being around the woman. She went to sleep with a small smile on her face, one that she wouldn't have wanted to wipe off if it cost her.

The next morning approached and Cheryl woke to the sun beaming through her curtains, covering her eyes. She squinted from the sharp pain of the sun's brightness and turn over, placing her hand over her eyes. She lay there for a little before raising from her bed. After a while of just laying, she got up and got herself ready for the day ahead of her.

She had freshened up and made her bed before picking out an outfit for the day. She settled for a jean skirt she had made and a button-up shirt. Once she was finished, she made herself some breakfast before taking some time to read and relax in her home.

The next time she looked at the clock, she saw it struck 4 in the afternoon. This was around the time she had gone to the parlor. She went up to her room, fishing Toni's necklace off of the jewelry stand, and then made her way to the parlor. As she walked, she heard men whistle and women whisper at the feminine demeanor she had showcased. She always covered up, showing off her fairly masculine side due to the people she was surrounded by. She loved being feminine, but she felt the only way to be safe was to dress like the majority; like a guy.

She walked into the parlor, everyone's eyes sticking on her smooth slim legs and wavy hair that she allowed to cascade down her back. She walked to the bar and was met by the bartender. "Ou, you look rather dashing," she complimented, giving her a small smirk.

Cheryl gave her a look, her hands going to her hair to run her fingers through her red locks. "Veronica, you act as if you haven't ever seen me in a skirt before," Cheryl said, giving Veronica a look.

"I mean, I know, but you usually look so much like the lads it's different seeing you like this," Veronica said as she wiped down the counter.

"I guess," Cheryl said, putting her hands on her lap, her fingers running across the hem of her skirt. "Have you seen someone around by any chance?" Cheryl asked, gaining a look from Veronica.

"I need to know more. What does this person look like?" Veronica asked, giving Cheryl her attention.

"She's about ye high, fairly darker skin, black hair, brown eyes..." Cheryl said, trying to find appropriate words to describe Toni. "Oh, and she goes by Toni," Cheryl finished.

Veronica nodded, pointing her head to the side of them. Sure enough, Toni was sitting at a table in the parlor. Her eyes were glued to a book she was reading, making her slightly unaware of her surroundings. "Is that the lady you're speaking of?" Veronica asked, a smirk appearing on her lips.

Cheryl nodded as she smiled widely, gaining a laugh from Veronica. "You're so pulled in already," Veronica said, leaning away from the counter. "But you have such a good eye," the brunette finished before going to the end of the bar to tend to a customer.

Cheryl had been trying to work up the courage to approach Toni for the last 15 minutes. She didn't understand why she was so scared now, but her adrenaline made her heart pump drastically. Veronica walked back over, still seeing Cheryl in the same spot she had been for about 45 minutes now. "What's holding you up? She's right there," Veronica said, folding her hands on the counter.

"I know, but don't you think she's going to think it's weird if I just... waltz up to her?" Cheryl asked, giving Veronica a concerned look.

Veronica looked at Toni and then at Cheryl again. "Look, get up and go to the lady. You went home with her yesterday, today should be no different," Veronica spoke.

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