Prologue Part 1 (Nachtflügel)

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I open my eyes to find myself in a nighttime version of the Final World.

Y/N: This place...

I looked and moved my hands to make sure I was fully there.

Y/N: At least, I'm all here.

I get up to see if I can find someone here.

Y/N: *Shouts* HEY! Is anyone out there?!

Nothing. I try once more.

Y/N: *Shouts* HELLOOOOO!!!!

It was silent for what felt like forever until...

???: Hey.

Y/N: Huh?

???: Hey!

Y/N: Who's that?

???: Where are you?

Y/N: Over here!

I start running toward the voice not even thinking it could be an enemy.

Small Timeksip

???: I see you.

I stopped running to see who the voice was...he looks... no way, it couldn't be.

 no way, it couldn't be

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Y/N: Wait...aren't you?

???: You know me?

Y/N: Yeah! You're Yozora, right?

Yozora: How do you know that? Who are you?

Y/N: I'm Y/N! And actually, there's something I have to ask you-

Yozora: Y/N?

I stopped speaking when I heard him say my name. Does he know who I am?

Yozora: You're Y/N?

Y/N: *Confused* Huh? You know who I am?

Yozora: Sure, I've heard of you.

Y/N: If you're here.. then this can't be the real world, can it? but wait that girl, she told me about you. Maybe you are real after all.

Yozora: Are you done? No, this isn't the real world, and I am here. But this isn't what I really look like. How do you recognize me as Yozora?

I was starting to get confused, I know the girl said that Yozora's heart was replaced with another's and was changed by recognition.

Yozora: Why are you using Y/N's name?

Y/N: Because.. I AM Y/N.

Yozora: If you are who say, and if it was fate that brought here.. Then... My path is clear.

Yozora summed a crossbow shocking me, was he about to fight me? But why, I haven't done anything to him!

Suddenly, a bright light appeared from the ground causing me to block my eyes and when I opened them, I saw my Station of Waking rising out of the water before the area around us changed into a city I didn't recognize.

Y/N: Hey! Wait!

Yozora: I accidentally wandered into this place and went through some trials.. Then I was told to save Y/N.


Yozora didn't answer, instead, he got what I assume is his sword before saying...

Yozora: Time to end this.

Without any other option, I summoned my keyblade to defend myself.

Yozora fired red lasers at me which I dodged with ease. He was running towards me and I was about to block his attack before he trapped me in a sphere.

Yozora: Your power is mine.

He shattered the sphere causing me to be launched and my keyblade was flung into the air. I tried reaching for it until it disappeared and I looked ahead of me and saw Yozora, but his sword looked different. Did he...steal my keyblade?! Without any time to process what happened, Yozora used Waterga which I barely escaped from, he tried attacking but I kept dodging his attacks. After a barrage of attacks, Yozora seemed to dispel my keyblade out of his sword before using it against me, replicas of my keyblade came out of the ground and some tried to corner me but I managed to get it back.

Y/N: What was that? How did you steal my keyblade?!

Yozora: I told you, your power is mine.

Yozora and I clashed our weapons, his weapons seemed like they were from the future, and what he said when he stole my keyblade. "Your power is mine", what does that mean?

Timeskip to the end of the fight because I can't good fight scenes

I managed to beat Yozora, he was getting up but his hand was turning into small blue orbs of light.

Yozora: I guess...that my powers aren't needed yet.

Y/N: *Confused* What do ya mean?

Yozora: Nevermind. *Smiles*

Soon, I was blinded by a bright light and soon I found myself in the Final World.


???: Commander? Commander!

Yozora is seen waking up in a car and looks at his driver.

???: Impressive, is it not?

Yozora doesn't respond but looks out the window thinking about his battle with Y/N.

Y/N: I've been...

Yozora:  I've been having these weird thoughts lately.

Yozora and Y/N: Like, is any of this for real, or not?

Y/N: None of this...makes sense to me.

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