chapter 13 ~ 🌑

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Hii guys, I'm back from holiday and sorry I'm a day late on this chapter. My flight back was overbooked yesterday so I had to take another one today, I hope you enjoy this chapter ❤❤

785 words~

Brownie boy: "y/n, we're worried about you, you haven't been coming to school for the past two weeks and we don't know what happened to you. If you're not feeling okay you can tell me, I promise I'll try to help you in any way possible"

Y/n: "Thanks Felix, I didn't really want to tell you this by text but my aunt died"

You stop typing trying to find an excuse

Y/n: "she had cancer, I only found out now that the doctors told me because she didn't want to tell me before so I wouldn't suffer before she died. I'm not completely over it yet but I'm learning to deal with it with time, I think tomorrow I'll be in school. I'll see you and seungmin tomorrow"

Brownie boy: "She was a good person, I know I've only met her once but she seemed so kind, youre lucky to have had a person like that in your life. I'm sorry for her death and I mean it.. I hope you can get fully better soon"

Bangchan looked over at you as he left the shower

"Who're you texting?"


He rolls his eyes slightly and puts his towel down on a chair next to his bed

"How are you feeling?" He asks you, he seemed to want an honest answer

"I'm fine, better then before at least" You smile and put your phone down,

"I.. Was thinking, how about we go on a field trip next month. You know, since there's a lot of stuff happening and- and maybe we could clear our head on the field trip so.." nervously he tried offering you

Your eyes brighten "Seriously?! Yes yes yess, I've never been to a field trip with a friend before"

"Really? Never? Not even once?"


"Well I guess everyone has a first"

"Where are we going"

"How about camping?"

The next week

You placed the bouquet of flowers on her tomb, which was now next to your parent's, you kneel down and start speaking, making sure no one else could hear you

"Auntie, I hope you're happy up there with mom and dad, you must be having a nice time.. I promise I'll take revenge for you so and them, I won't allow myself to join you unless I do. You should relax and enjoy the peace in heaven I'll take care of everything. Don't worry about me"

You stand up and look at the three tombstones in front of you for a few seconds before walking away

You were walking to school untill you heard someone running towards you from behind. You look back and see Felix


He pulls you into a short hug then pulls away "Y/n! You're coming back to school right? Don't leave us alone. I can't stand seungmins sassy personality by myself"

"Im coming back, although next month I might miss school for around a week.."

"Hm? Why?"

"I'm going on a field trip with my friend" you smile at your own remark


"No, another friend"

"You have other friends?" He raises an eyebrow

You pause and think about it "Yes, I made a new friend"

"Oo you're meeting new people!" He says with a smirk

"Actually it's someone I know for a long time, but I'm only their friend now"

He looks rather confused but starts walking and you walk besides him

You notice him looking at you while you were distracted, you look back at him but something was a little off about him


"What's wrong?"

"Is it just me or do your canines seem sharper today"

He chuckles nervously and looks away from you

"Dont know"

It must be nothing, people's teeth get sharper sometimes.. Right?

You look down at your phone and see the day, 28th. The full moon is tomorrow.


The full moon has passed and everything went well, you didn't go to school that day because the moon would rise earlier, but at some point bangchan also mentioned that Felix didn't attend school that day as well

You didn't think much of it because he missed a lot of days at school especially last year

Either way, bangchan stayed over at his friend's house and you did the same thing as on the last full moon. You stole one blood bag from the hospital and sneaked out, but one thing you knew is that you couldn't keep stealing blood bags from the hospital every month


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