chapter 18 ~ 📓

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Sorry for not posting this chapter yesterday, either way enjoy and please vote ❤❤

1070 words~

Bangchan was sitting on the couch as usual when you came in, he turned his attention to you as you spoke

"Hey Chan.."

He put his phone down and looked at you


You were still a little mad from yesterday, but you knew he wouldn't let you do this unless you asked him. And he might not let you even if you do ask him

"Can we check out the spell book? It's just that the table we saw the other day when hanging out with Felix looked like something that seems like a spell, like the few ones we have read but different ingredients, doesn't that mean there are other spell books?" You ask hesitantly but at the same excited waiting for his answer

He shifted in his position as he thought about what you said "what makes you think there are more books like this?"

Without even needing to think about it much you answer him almost immediately "because the spell book is with us, no one else. So if someone used a spell then there must be another one right?"

His mind going a mile a minute trying to think, he didn't think of that before

"I mean.. Yeah maybe" he answered slowly his eyes not fully meeting yours

"So does that mean we can read it??" You say with a hopeful look on your face, hoping he would say yes

He studied your expression, he was about to say no but realized you wouldn't take no as an answer. And he was right you really wouldn't. You would probably take the book while he was sleeping and read it

"Fine, we can read it"

Your lips curled into a smile as you walked to get the book under your bed, although you didn't notice bangchan looking at you

He felt annoyed by this feeling he felt everytime you smiled, it almost made him forget who and what you were

You reach out for under your bed and take the book, looking at the cover then walking back to where he was. You sat down next to him, keeping a distance

You start going through the pages, reading each one carefully. Each spell was different but similar in a way, there was any kind of spell you could think of; raise dead spell, healing spell, beauty spell. And so much others

But one caught your attention the most

'Love spell'

You stopped on that page and started reading through it

Love spell

You may do this potion in an empty place,
The closest to nature the better.

-3 fresh petals from a red rose
-1 tablespoon of honey
-2 drops of blood from who
You wish the person drinking the
Potion to fall in love with

Mix all of the following ingredients along with water,
Remove the petals after mixing them together
And put the mix into a bottle, the potion should be
Ready and given to whoever you want to fall in love
With you or a specific person

"Wait a second.. Isn't this the stuff we found in Felix's bag? And on that table? But he couldn't have made the spell he was with us the whole time" you say as your eyebrows furrowed together

"You don't know that, someone else could've made it for him" he said firmly

"But he doesn't have any reason to make a love potion" you say confusedly, the pieces weren't going together, instead they made everything even more confusing

Bangchan knew exactly why Felix made the love potion "don't you think he might have someone he likes?"

"But he would've told me" you retorted back, you knew Felix would trust you with anything. He always did

He rolls his eyes at your response, and out of annoyance he blurts out "But he didn't, did he?"

"Well, no.." Your expression softens he didn't tell you but it shouldn't matter for you anyways, people have stuff they don't tell others, just like you have your secrets. For example the whole.. Vampire thing, bangchan knows but you didn't really tell him purposely, It was all an accident

He sighs and speaks again, but this time he sounded a bit more gentle "Let's just forget about this whole spell thing, it doesn't matter. If he did it it's none of our business"

You nod quietly, taking the book from the table and placing it under your bed again.

You stand there not really knowing what to do, you were a little calmer now the book was gone but now that there was no distraction between you both the room became awkwardly silent

You tried to think about something to say to break the silence, you looked around the room and then out of the window as an idea pops on your head

"What time is it?" You say

He was surprised you suddenly asked about the time, he picked up his phone and looked at the time

"It's almost 9pm"

"So.. Are you going to sleep" You added, still trying to make the least of conversation or end it here already

He freezes then stands up, stretching his arms a little

"Uh, yeah."

You stumble while walking towards the light switch

"Y- you can go then, I'll turn off the lights I'll go to sleep as well"

You switched the lights off, darkening the room before hearing him again


You look over at him waiting for him to speak

"Can I ask you something?"

You hesitate but then speak up again "What is it?"

He suddenly got nervous so ask you this "Do you" he pauses before continuing "Do you like Felix?"

You quickly shake your head "No, why?"

he tried to hide his relief and act nonchalant as he responded to your question with a blunt " just wondering"

You run back to your bed and lay down, cutting the conversation short so you wouldn't need to say anything else. Or even talk to him more "um.. Good night then"

"Yeah good night" he says walking over to his own bed

You couldn't help the feeling in your chest, even though you are starting to hate him again something else is developing. You can't tell why or even what it is fully, you just don't want to feel like this

You can't stop your heart from beating so fast when you're talking to him

Are you falling in love?


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