Part 1

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There is this new student at school. Everyone says that he is real royalty but I doubt he is real royalty. Then I see someone wearing the expensive version of the school uniform and I look at them for a second as I recognize them when he walks by me. Then he clearly starts to look at me as we make eye contact. 

 "Is there anything you need sir?" I say curiously looking at him wanting answers. 

 "No ma'am I just thought that you might look familiar to me from something but I am not sure from where. Might I know your name?" He asks me, looking at me with hope. 

 "Oh you may learn my name if we are in the same class sir." I say with confidence. 

 "Oh really, why can't I know your name? Are you curious what my name is? If you don't mind me asking." He says with confidence like he wants something from me. 

 "You will find out who I am if we are in the same class and that is the only answer I will be giving and I don't want to know your name because I don't need to know your name." I say back looking the eyes wanting him to leave me alone. 

 "Okay, okay I won't ask anymore sorry. I hope we see each other again sometime." He says walking away with his friends.

I really don't know who he is, why he wants to talk to me and why does he have to look like someone he has seen. I think when I get all of my homework done then I will do a tarot reading to see if my cards know anything about him. Though I am curious why I recognize him. I think about all of this when I go to my first class.

I get to my first class of the day honors math and sit down in my seat waiting for the teacher to arrive to talk about the homework that was assigned to my class. The teacher arrives and so I walk up to him. 

 "Hello professor, I have a few questions for you about the homework you gave us. I just want to make sure that I understand the homework." I say to Professor Davis hoping to get some answers from him. 

 "Yes, what are your questions Alice?" Professor Davis asks me, looking at me then my homework sheet as if he has something to say to me. 

 "My first question as always is. Is there anything wrong with any of my homework or no I have got it all done and correct?" I ask professor Davis and he smiles at me. 

 "Alice, you got all of the questions correct. Why do you think you did something wrong on your homework? I am curious." Professor Davis asks me, waiting for an answer. I stand there thinking for a few minutes then I got my answer. 

 "The reason I thought there was something wrong with my homework was because I am a perfectionist and would prefer to find out soon rather than later if I had gotten something wrong. Isn't that better?" I say with confidence to Professor Davis 

 "Yes, that is better because then you would be able to learn from your mistakes before the assignment is due and hopefully understand what you did wrong but as always Alice you did an outstanding job on the homework assignment. You can give me the assignment today and I can go ahead and put the grade in." Professor Davis says. 

 "Hey, Alice just so you know there is a transfer student joining our class today so please be nice to them and also I will be seating them next to you so that if they are struggling in this class you can help them with the work." Professor Davis whispers this as students come into the classroom with me knowing class is about to begin.

"Okay, thank you for letting me know! Also I will turn in the homework today." I whisper to Professor Davis as he takes my homework out of my hand.

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