Part 3

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"Oh what do you know about the rumors that have circled around the school about you or not? I heard that you can be quite rude and no one knows why they also call you the Ice Princess because of how cold and rude you can be to other people." He says sitting down in his seat looking in front of him. 

"Oh my I didn't know any of that but it does all make sense to me as I can be quite rude and yes no one understands why I am rude. Now I didn't know that people see me as cold and that's interesting. I would like to know why they all think that." I say sitting in my seat a little surprised and my eyes somewhat wide with not knowing this at all. 

 "Well class is about to begin. We can continue this chat at lunch today and also I was told by my parents that they will bring lunch not just for me but also for you." He says and my eyes widen even more. 

"Why am I getting so much special treatment from your family?" I ask, sounding surprised.

"Well you will find out when you go to the castle. Like I said earlier I can't tell you why here." He says like whatever is going on is really important. 

"Okay fine I'll wait. I will say our next class is my favorite class to have." I say to him with a little bit of excitement and he giggled a little bit. 

Under his breath he says "Why is she so cute? I really want her to be at my ball for my birthday. I'll have to ask my parents about this. Though I am curious why my parents are investigating her and giving her special treatment. I know nothing of what's going on and I am here to tell her that my parents want to meet with her. I think I will be there but I am not sure about that." He says without Alice hearing anything but mumbles. 

"Is everything okay Prince Gabriel?" I ask with a little concern as I heard him mumble a little bit.

"Oh everything is okay I am just talking to myself." He says a little flustered. 

"Ah okay, well let's have a good year together!" I say with excitement.

"Let's have a good year together!" He says smiling at me.

Class ends so everyone ends up leaving except for me and Professor Davis leave the classroom. "Alice, I need to talk to you." Professor Davis says looking in my direction. 

"Alice, as you know I have very good hearing and I was able to hear what Prince Gabriel was saying to you. I heard that you are going to the castle to meet with the royal family please be careful they can be chaotic at times. I am going to give you a good luck gift for protection." Professor Davis says as he pulls the silver hair cord into his hands and puts his hand in front of me. 

"Oh thank you for your concern! Why do you think that of the royal family sir?" I ask, wanting to know more.

"Take the hair cord Alice, it has a protection spell on it to protect you. You know that I think of you as my own daughter." Professor Davis says to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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