Part 2

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The class bell rings and I can tell there is a student standing in front of the door like he is waiting for something. Then Professor Davis starts class. 

 "Good morning everyone! This morning we have a transfer student joining our class for this year. You may come in now!" Professor says to the class, eventually gesturing his hand to the door. I look at the transfer student and my eyes widen as I see the boy from this morning. The boy who was trying to figure out my name. I look away as soon as I realize that it's the boy from this morning. I eventually feel someone staring at me when I look to see who it is. I am disappointed because it's the transfer student. Then the teacher starts to call out roll. One thing that is different is that you don't introduce yourself until your name is called on the roll for when you are new to our school and when your birthday is through the school year is where your name is on the roll. 

"Alice!" He says my name and I stand up to courtesy towards Professor Davis. 

"Good morning Professor Davis I hope you have a lovely day today." I say as the transfer student looks at me. 

"Prince Gabriel!" Professor Davis looks at me as I was shocked that he was a real royal.

At this school there are Royals who are the people who are in training at this school to do something in the Royal Court and then there are the Real Royals who are people who have been born into a royal family.

"Good morning Professor Davis. I am Prince Gabriel of Belgium as you may know me as Prince Gabriel. I came to this school because I didn't want to do home schooling but also I am in search of someone that comes to this school." Prince Gabriel bows towards Professor Davis.

"Hey uhh Prince Gabriel sorry about this morning. Also if you don't mind me asking who is the person you are looking for?" I say feeling bad and looking down at the ground. 

 "Ah the person I am looking for is Alice Vandenberg and I heard she comes to this school. Do you know her?" Prince Gabriel says looking at me while I look up at him with wide eyes. 

"Why are you looking for her?" I say to him feeling like there are butterflies in my stomach as I don't want him to know that Alice Vandenberg is me and I don't know why he is looking for me. 

"Oh because my family is looking for her as there is an investigation about her. Why do you ask?" Prince Gabriel says to me. Everyone in the classroom starts to look at me like I am insane, I would guess that it is because he said my name and I didn't say my name because I am who he is looking for. 

"Umm hello? Alice, are you there?" Prince Gabriel asks me as I stop zoning out from my thoughts. 

"Oh sorry about that. I was asking because depending on your answer I would say yes or no and yes you are talking to Alice Vandenberg right now. Why does the royal family want me?" I ask, wanting to know more than the Prince leans in. 

"Oh that we will have to talk about at my castle. My parents have arranged that you are coming to the castle with me after school ends and you will find out why you are being summoned to the castle and these girls in your class are getting jealous because I am not talking to them but you can't tell them what I just said to you because this is between only you and the royal family." He whispers in my ear then leans back smiling while I am blushing.

"Okay, I'll go with you but I will say I am picky with the teas I like to drink." I say with a smile as the blush on my face fades away he then looks away and says 

"Shall we be friends now Alice?" He asks me. 

"Yes, I would love to be friends but be warned I can be a bit rude at times but that is me being friendly." I say with a fake smile. 

"Wonderful! That is completely fine though I did hear the rumors about you. You seem like a very interesting person to be around from what I have heard about you." Prince Gabeial says as my face goes from a fake smile to a neutral facial expression as now I am terrified as to what he has heard about me.

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