Chapter 2

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The darkness inside the bunker was heavy but it wasn't just from the lack of light. Hongjoong’s body shakes as sob after sob wrack through him, the pain like a dagger buried deep into the depths of his soul. The agony in his chest was paralyzing as he sat on the cool, hard floor inside their bunker.

How was he supposed to carry on without his brother? He should've tried harder to reach him. Thoughts flooded Hongjoong’s mind as tears flooded his face. He should have gone back, even if they didn't make it in time, at least they would have been together. Why did he leave him there alone? Grief slammed into Hongjoong like a tsunami, the shattered pieces of his heart washing away little by little replaced with fragments of the void left in its wake.

He had survived but at what cost? He was broken inside. What was the point of making it through this if he was to feel like this the rest of his life? He lifted his head from his knees, greeted by the blackness of the bunker. Wiping his face with his shirt, he stared into the darkness, his newly dried face laced with more tears. He knew he should get up and find the light but his body was rooted.

Another sob escapes, the sound passing over his lips like wind amongst the tall grasses in a meadow. He wraps his arms around himself and squeezes tight, desperate for a wane in the pain he was feeling. His sobs morph into low wails before he finally leans back, lying himself down and rolling onto his right side, curling into himself. His body shakes as he continues to cry, the agony relentlessly beating his chest.

Hongjoong didn't remember falling asleep. He only knew he did because the tears on his face were dried and his head was throbbing in rhythm with the ache in his heart. He opens his eyes and is greeted with the same darkness he was in with eyes closed. Pulling himself up on one arm, he stares blankly ahead. How long was he asleep for? There was no way to tell if it was still day time inside here.

Sitting up completely, he crosses his legs before remembering his cellphone. Patting himself down in the dark, he silently hoped his phone didn't fall off of him while he was running. He pats his pants, feeling something in the side pocket. A twinge of hope flickers through him as he reaches in his pocket and pulls the six inch rectangle out.

Pushing the button on the side, the screen lights up, illuminating the space in front of him. It's too bright and Hongjoong squints as he quickly swipes the top of the screen down for the brightness bar. He drags the indicator down to lower the screen brightness and notes his battery percentage before he presses the button for the flashlight.

Bright white light floods the space, casting shadows along the walls. Bringing himself to stand, he brushes himself off with one hand, holding the phone with the other. He shines his light in front of him to get a sense of direction. Noting the bunker door ahead of him, he turns and walks down the corridor, its length short before it descends down again. A set of stairs leading into even more darkness appears before him. The light bobs as he descends slowly,  each step brings him deeper underground. Moments later, he enters an open room. His phone light casts eerie shadows along the walls, the outlines of supplies and shelving looking more frightening than they actually were.

Surveying the space before him, he heads to the back wall. He needed to find the lanterns that were down here so he could see a bit better. He crosses the room that spans before him. To his right are rows of metal utility shelving, most full of canned foods and bottled water. On his left, the wall is mostly empty besides a cabinet that holds pillows and blankets. A suitcase of clothing sits next to it, though Hongjoong was unsure if anything inside it was suitable. It was cooler underground than the summer wardrobe packed inside. An old calendar hung above the suitcase, time frozen on the pages. There was a small, metal sink off by itself on the other side of the suitcase. There was no plumbing but the pipes ran out of the bunker even if none ran in.

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