Telling Tim

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Sg Chen ur with Bradford thorsen with detectives and the rest y'all's usual be safe out there

In the shop**

Lucy couldn't stop thinking abt how she was going to tell him so she kept zoning out and was very nervous and quiet

T- Luce Ik this is awkward if u want to ride solo u can go tell grey

L- no it's not that I have something on my mind sorry

T- yk u can talk to me abt anything even if we aren't together anymore just know it was all my fault and I did it to protect you because u deserve someone better than me

Lucy is looking at him with teary eyes

L- Tim you are the best anyone can ever have and I love you so much and I don't think I'll ever be able to stop and I get that u we're trying to protect me but I could've helped you but I respect your decision but can we talk after work I have something really really important to tell you

T-yes ofc and Lucy I'll never stop loving u either

They look into each other's eyes and Lucy lays on Tim's shoulder and he lays on top of her head until they get a call

After shift Tim is in the elevator and Lucy pops out of nowhere

T- so what did u want to talk Abt earlier

L- idk if I should tell u here

T-Ok we can to the food trucks

L-Ok sounds good see u there

T-Lucy wait!

L- yeah?

T- We can both go in my truck

L- Yea sure you'll just need to drop me back off at the apartment

T- Ofc no problem

They walk off to his truck almost touching hands**
At the food trucks**

T- So wh did u want to tell me??

L- There's no easy way to say this but .. I'm pregnant.

T-😶... really??

L- yes look ( gives him the pregnancy test in a plastic bag) and I'm sorry I get it if u don't want to be in our lives but I thought u had the right to know

T- Lucy no this is incredible I've always wanted to be a dad and maybe just maybe we can give US another go cause ima be there for EVERYTHING

L- you mean it

T- ofc
He says hugging her

L-I love u so much Tim and so does our baby I made an appointment for Friday (it's Tuesday) if u want to come

T- Luce I love u too and I wouldn't miss it for the world

Lucy sees him putting the reminder in his phone and thinks I just keep falling more and more inlove with him


L-u wanna give us another try

T- I do only if u want

L- ofc u big softy

T-( side eyes her) I'm not a big softy

L- yes u r but only for me

T- yes and our baby

Lucy blushed at that comment

L- ok it's getting late I need to get home to tam wanna help deliver the news

T- ofc

They get to the apartment and Tim knocks on the door Lucy is hiding behind him

Tam- Tim ?? What r u doing here and where's Lucy ( she says kinda scared)

T&L- dw we have good news

Tam- ok 🤨

L&T We are back together

Tam - Yess I can finally call yall momford and dadford

T&L - WTH 😂

Tam- something me and ang came up with in case u ever got pregnant or married

Part 4?

What if Lucy was pregnant when they broke Up (plot twist)Where stories live. Discover now