Prologue - Ending a Cold War

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J A N U A R Y   2 N D ,  1 9 9 2 ,  M O S C O W ,  S O V I E T  U N I O N

T H E  T R E A T Y  O F  O B E S H C H A T

"I'm tired of this, Soviet. Just stop the influencing spread of communism." America breathed heavily, sitting down. They both requested a meeting to Moscow and America wasn't feeling too well.

Soviet let out a laugh, "How can I just give up when your at the peak of collapsing? Look at you, Amerika. You're tired." 

The room was freezing up, not a good temperature to be in when you feel sick.

It took a while for America to speak.

"I just wanna be friends again, the world fears our great position, we always get to the peak of a nuclear war that could end the entire world.. I just want my states to be happy again." America managed to speak out, it was the truth, but Soviet didn't seem too convinced.

It was January 2nd, 1992. The Soviet Union somehow managed to hold together and not collapse.

It wasn't looking good for America..

"We can be friends again if you agree on my decisions, no more wars. We can prevent anymore war with this now if you take my hand." Soviet said, lifting his hand out to America.

America hesitated, if he joined in with the USSR, he knows for sure he's risking the life of his capitalist buddies..

South Korea..

NATO wouldn't be much use without me, what do I do?

"I'm not doing it."

Soviet froze, he seemed to be thinking about another way around this.

"You know I'm not giving up, 'Meri, your decisions stand here. If you decline any more further options- I'm declaring an instant nuclear war." Soviet threatened, standing up from his spot- glaring at America.

What would Canada tell me to do? America thought desperately, wishing his younger brother was here right now.

Nobody would ever want a nuclear war, Soviet has me stuck between two choices..

Join or world destruction that would never recover.

America hesitated with his decision, Soviet didn't seem too patient for his final answer.

"Before I join, I just wanna know what happens." America stated, catching a breath.

Soviet seemed pleased with the answer, he took out a piece of paper and read;


"This is what happens when you join, listen carefully to the following;

1. You will agree that you will turn into a communist country, therefore you will be turned into my ally.

2. The Cold War ends.

3. You and I cannot get included in wars.

4. NATO will be taken down.

5. We will both not use our nuclear weapons FOR ANYTHING as this treaty continues.

6. I will not bother any of your fellow allies.

7. The Eastern side of Europe will return to communism, but Germany will be in a balance of a communist and capitalist country. 

8. "Add your choice.""

America was a bit relieved, it wasn't too bad...

But turning communist?

"For number eight, you can add another rule to the treaty.. As you wish as long as I agree." Soviet explained.

America thought about it, there wasn't really anything he could find...


"For eight, you will stop the spread of communism once Eastern Europe is back to what you wish.. And I will do the same." America said.

Soviet frowned, but nodded.

"8. No more influential spread of communism nor capitalism."

"I'll join."

Words: 565

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