Chapter Three - First Meeting

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J A N U A R Y  6 T H ,  2 0 0 2 ,  R U S S I A ,  K A Z A N 

T H E  G R E A T  M E E T I N G  O F  K A Z A N |

(Btw there's no ships in this book :P)

It's been a few days since dad died, and it's not like I really care.. He wasn't the best, and I didn't even talk with him much.

Plus, I can finally get my freedom.

No following strict, stupid rules, I can go anywhere I want, I can be friends with whoever I want.. It's like a dream coming true right now.

Russia has been at the city of Kazan for about two days now, he's supposed to meet his dead father's ally, The United Communist States of America (Ik, that name sucks 💀) and other countries his dead father was allied with.

He's seen the UCS of A a couple of times before, and heard that they were gonna change his name back to The United States of America again.. Since they are supposed to let some freedom and rights in the country again, but for some reason.. They are still following the Treaty of Obeshchat.

He's dead as fuck, why still follow that damn treaty? I mean.. It's nice not having an entire group of military forces made up from different countries currently being aimed at me for my father's communist sins.

Russia sighed, where are the countries he's supposed to meet?

It's been about two hours now, and Russia doesn't remember any of his father's allies being two hours late.

Maybe they arrived early, in order to seem worthy to my dad?

Well Russia doesn't expect much from them, friends would be nice, and listening to your "OH WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS, ARE WE ABLE TO BLAH BLAH BLAH" Finnish uncle for the rest of your life wouldn't.

I swear if Finland makes another complain he'll be fish food for my oblasts, regions, provinces- I'LL ALSO INVITE HIS DEAR BROTHERS!

Sure, Finland is pretty cool, but at Russia?

He's a whole other person.

I probably remind him of my dad, all I was told was that dad's father, the Russian Empire- adopted Finland from the Kingdom of Sweden.. And Soviet and Finland fought a lot when they were kids, Finland probably thinks I'll start a Winter War number 14578753, it WILL happen if he complains again!

The door in front of Russia suddenly opened, taking Russia away from his thoughts- it wasn't UCSA or North Korea, but it indeed was someone Russia has seen from a distance, it was China.

"Hello, Russian Federation, it is my pleasure to meet you, my name is China (I don't know his full name, if he even has one-), but I suppose you already know that." China politely introduced himself, he sat down on the table and waited for Russia to talk.

"Uhm, yeah, it's my pleasure to meet you here in Kazan, please call me Russia. It feels a bit weird being called Russian Federation if you ask me.." Russia trailed off, he felt a bit awkward, he doesn't know what this meeting is about but to meet each other.

I know there's more countries I need to meet.. Cuba, wasn't that their name? A country in the Caribbean.

Breaking the silence once again, the door opened, North Korea and UCSA appeared.. North Korea was actually smaller than Russia expected.

Tiny and intimidating, gotta give him that.

"Hello! Russian Federation, am I correct? It's nice to finally meet you, I'm the United Communist States of America, but I prefer everyone first meeting me call me America." America introduced himself, now sat across from Russia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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