Chapter Two - A Union's Collapse (UPDATED)

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D E C E M B E R  3 1 ,  2 0 0 1 ,  S O V I E T  U N I O N / 

R U S S I A  ,  S A I N T  P E T E R S B U R G |

C!America had to travel to Russia, from China, Beijing, he could see some people who were pretty happy now, they were chanting "Tajikistan left the Union! Tajikistan made it!" So he checked his phone... Realizing that-

Another Soviet Republic, now called "Tajikistan" already broke off from the Union when I was traveling to Russia in a pretty fast rush.

It won't take long for the other two to call their Independence.

Russia, is what he now goes by- his flag replaced the Soviet flag in December 26, 2001... So he left the Union not so long ago.. And then there's Kazakhstan- he's the last one in the Union right now..

And then that's the end of the USSR when Kazakhstan leaves..

America rushed to the house Soviet bought to stay away from public view, his flag- in Moscow, already fell out of there, people are removing his flag and replacing it with the Russian flag.

So his son- Russia, his flag was already raised in Moscow and he already took over the main land.. I wonder what he's like, I've never really interacted with him before.

Soon, America arrived to his destination.

It was a small, cozy-looking house next to a lake.. Where there was another neighborhood off in the distance, probably waiting to celebrate New Years and the fall of the USSR.

America checked his watch- 11:36 PM.

He had to hurry up, America also noticed China wasn't here yet.

He knocked on the door, once, then twice.

It opened.

"Hey 'Merica." Soviet Said, he sounded..

Tired? Exhausted? (Technically the same thing bitch!) Does he feel fearful? 

"Hey Soviet, mind if I come in?" America asked, Soviet nodded.

They sat on a couch, where it was facing the lake outside, where the stars were shinning.

They just sat there.. Soviet did start showing signs he was dusting away, but if he wanted to just see the scenery before he passes, it's okay.

11:42 P.M.

The time started ticking more slowly, it felt like time slowed down..

China hasn't arrived yet, he probably got stuck in traffic.

"It's a beautiful lake, the stars are reflecting off of it." America started, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, one reason I chose this house.."

America didn't know what else to say.

"It's a gift to get, or see something before you die, and.. I think I might know a person you'd like to see again." America said, he felt Soviet looking at him.

Alaska? Are you awake?

America's main star turned blue, with a yellow outline.

Yeah, should I teleport out?

America paused, he knew Soviet missed his sibling, Alaska, so much.

"Who are you talking about?" Soviet finally asked, America just noticed a crack on Soviet's head.

He's really collapsing now.

"Alaska.." America said.

Soviet's eyes went wide.

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