Chapter One - Admit

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D E C E M B E R  2 9 ,  2 0 0 1 ,  B E I J I N G ,  C H I N A

"What do you mean 9/11? I don't know what that is..." -Present C!America

It was a dazzling day in Beijing, C!America was waiting for the USSR and China to show up.. It's already 4:26, what's taking them so long?

"Late doesn't mean not coming.." -RULES

America pondered as he looked at the streets of Beijing from his window, now deep in his thoughts- he thought they probably ditched him. Not worth hanging out with, tho.. He should probably double check the note.

When he pulled it out, he read; "Meet at Beijing, China. At *******, 4:10 P.M."


America double checked the address...

Holy shit they're waiting for HIM right now!

America cussed himself out in his head, he grabbed his backpack and headed off out to the hallways and headed to a train station that would get him there.

"Sorry I'm late, I got the address wrong." America excused himself as he stepped in the room, China eyed him as Soviet sighed, it was the 6th time America got a address wrong.

"Anyways.." China started, "I managed to annex all of Taiwan without anymore further problems."

Oh? This was.. Great news.

"That's just great, China, but Soviet.. I heard something is happening in your land. Mind telling us?" America asked, Soviet changed his face expression when he was asked.

Did I do something wrong? If so, what can I do to make it up for him?

"It's nothing, I can deal with it all by myself."

Nah, boss. I know there IS SOMETHING wrong.

"Okay," America started. "The only thing that has really changed in my country is that President R. Johnson (random president i made up CUZ THIS IS COMMUNIST AU) has been assassinated. We caught the assassin and tortured him to the death for his crime since it was also a bloody one off sight." America said, his president was a bit annoying so he didn't really care about the news he heard.

But as always, he let the government decide what to do with the assassin.

"A brave man willing to risk his life to assassinate a world leader? That's.. News..." China trailed off, he hasn't had any people apposing his leader.

They're just chill with the government.

America noticed Soviet muttered something, 

America frowned.

I'm seriously gonna talk with him after this, he's been acting off lately.

"Anyways, New Years is getting pretty close- which is something I just noticed. Uhm, should we do something during that day, shouldn't we? We can invite over India and North Korea." America started, he thought the room was getting a bit cold so he should probably change the main subject.

"I'm okay with North Korea joining, but not India." China said, America gave him the "at least this one time?" face.

"Yeah sure, I might not come but I'll come if I can." Soviet agreed.

And I wonder why Soviet.

China checks his watch and realized something, "Oh! I have to go, I'll see you guys later!" 

He got up and hurried out of the door, I'm not sure where China's heading..

Soviet got up.

"Wait." America stopped Soviet by grabbing his arm and gripping on it tightly, Soviet looked back and seemed a bit bothered.

"What's is it?" Soviet asked.

"You're not secretive about this, what's wrong with you?" America asked, Soviet just stood there for a bit.

Soviet sighed, "I guess you're really the only one that can tell, 'Meri.. Uhhh.." Soviet trailed off, he seemed upset about something.

"Tell me, boss."

"Fine... My economy started to fail, most of the people aren't happy... Especially the army..." Soviet admitted.

America froze.

Ima start these a bit short until we get to 2024 :)

Words: 611

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