Chapter 6

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(3rd Person)

"Thomas told me what happened, Samuel are you okay." It was Saturday and Peter had come over to Samuel's apartment. Kenna, who didn't even look up was already there, sitting on the floor doing work on her computer. She had slept over, as she was the first person Samuel had called when he got back to his apartment. He didn't wait for a response as he strode into Samuel's apartment. Peter pulled Samuel along and sat him down on a chair by his desk.

"Tell me every detail of what happened. Thomas was so brief. All he said was your friend got jumped and was spooked out," Peter said looking him over, trying to assess for any cuts or bruises. "Your hands, what happened," he said, again not letting Samuel get a word in. Slowly, Samuel recounted his story for the second time to Peter, telling him about the stranger who had pushed him and the warning he was left with. Kenna had said to go to the school police about it, but Samuel was too scared that the man would find him again.

"But what happened to your hands Samuel," Peter asked.

"I used them to break my fall," Samuel said, raising his hands to look at the bruises and scratches just above his wrists and on his palms. Peter put his hands to his head.

"Ugh, Samuel that's like the worst thing you could do in a fall, that's how you fracture your wrists. They don't look bad though, just a little bruising. Have you put ice on it, do you even have an ice thing here," Peter said all of this quickly, fussing over Samuel like a parent whose child just fell off a bike.

"Peter I promise that I am fine. I am a little shaken up from last night but that's about it," Samuel said, adding in the last part so Peter would stop asking him any more questions about his well-being. Kenna yawned.

"You're turn," she said, getting up and stretching. "I only slept for five hours last night, and it's a weekend. Mama needs a nap." Kenna started packing up her things.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault," Samuel started.

"Ugh, for that last time you're literally fine pooks, I came over to make sure you were okay. If I didn't want to do this, trust me, I would not have." Kenna gave Samuel a small hug before leaving.

"How long did you sleep for," Peter asked Samuel, noticing the small dark bags that hung under his eyes.

"Not at all actually," Peter said in a quiet voice, "I, uhh, I've been too scared too." He felt so dumb saying this. His apartment had a lock on it, and he lived on the second floor, how could anyone get in? He was scared to look directly at Peter again, scared that he was going to be seen as a wimp, so he focused on his feet.

"Then I will stay while you sleep," Peter said as if this was the obvious answer. Samuel looked up.

"No, no you don't have to do that, Samuel said quickly.

"But you won't sleep, and you've probably been up for what, twenty-four hours now," Peter asked. Samuel nodded.

"Then I'll stay while you sleep," he repeated. He took out a pair of headphones, and his computer, and sat in the beanbag chair. "I have things to do anyways that were not going to get done with Thomas and Nathan around, so I'll do them here. Please just get some sleep, Sammy." Samuel stood there, frozen. Peter was already typing away on his computer, not paying attention to Samuel. He had just given Samuel a nickname. Sammy. It filled up all the spaces in Samuel's mind. He got into bed, still thinking about the nickname, but within minutes, he was finally falling asleep.

When Samuel woke up, it was now six o'clock. He looked around his room, not really knowing what to find, and saw Peter fast asleep, still sitting on the bean bag chair. Slowly and quietly, Samuel got out of bed and went to his sink. He wasn't sure whether to wake Peter or to let him sleep. He was grateful that Peter had stayed so long, allowing him to sleep anxiety-free finally. It had been a while since he had been able to go to sleep without feeling anxious, and Samuel stood next to his sink, thinking about how well he slept. It was as if he was moving on autopilot, but Samuel was pulling out bread, and seconds later, he grabbed two avocados. He then started up his stove burner, putting butter and a frozen garlic cube in the center of the pan. He waited for it to melt a little before placing a piece of sourdough bread on top of the butter and spreading it around the pan. He did this three more times, repeating the same process. In between the time it took to toast each piece of bread, he sliced and mushed the avocados into a spread, mixing in everything but the bagel seasoning and paprika into the bowl. Then, when all the bread was toasted and the spread was made, Samuel put together his little creation onto two plates. Making food for other people was how he showed his affection for others. Sometimes his feelings or words didn't always come out the way he wanted them to, but food, food was something he could change and manipulate to his and other people's liking. No matter how much you messed up a dish, you could always re-make it or re-cook it to become something different.

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