~I'll talk to Adam anyways Pt1~

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"(Y/n)." The little nine year old looked over to her twin brother, humming a response. "Remember that guy we met last year? Mr Ainosuke Shindo?" (Y/n) froze at the mention of that name, recalling his intimidating presence and ruby eyes.

"I've been meeting up with him for a while now, and he has been giving me pointers for my skating." Yuichiro explained. "Just yesterday, he offered me a proposal -"
"Um, Yui, I don't have a good feeling about him." The female stated. "His gaze alone sent shivers up my spine, and I could never forget them."

"You just don't know him." The boy answered. "I promise you he's not that bad."
"How can you be sure?" There were a few moments of silence.
"How about this? I'll go ask Uncle Kaoru about it, and if he approves, then I will take you with me to properly meet Mr Shindo." Yuichiro suggested. "That sounds good?"

The small girl tilted her head in consideration for a second before looking back to her brother.
"Okay then, but the second I get the heebee-jeebees, I'm out!" The male smiled at that before going to leave the room.
"Don't worry. You'll like him."


Sometimes, the naiveness of the mind can put us into difficult situations.


As you lay back on the sofa at Mr and Mrs Ubuyashiki's house, you left the rest of the hashira's conversation to be a calming background noise.
"Have you all decided not to go 'S' today? I don't believe Adam is going to be there tonight." You heard the soft voice of Mrs Ubuyashiki ask, entering the living room with two of her daughters beside her.

"That maniac has been showing up out of nowhere recently, so we would prefer to stay safe by not going." Obinai explained, earning a hum of agreement from the rest of them, excluding yourself.

"I actually have a couple of unanswered questions for him." You began, gaining curious looks.
"What? (Y/n), it's not safe for you to go and talk to him!" Mitsuri said, worried for you.
"I agree. Despite the slight flamboyance of that man, his intentions and unpredictability are what make him dangerous." Tengen added.

You sighed at that, turning away from them all. "But none of you guys, as well as Uncle Kaoru and Kojiro, ever tell me anything." After a few moments of silence, the front door opened to reveal Sanemi walking in with his board under his arm.

"Hey, why is it so quiet?" The boy asked, leaning up his deck beside the rest of yours at the doorway.
"(Y/n), please understand that it is for your own good that we haven't told you about that night -"
"Adam knows, and he's willing to tell me about it." You cut Shinobu off, each of them giving you shocked and concerned looks.

"What?! Don't tell me you've been talking to that freak!" The silver haired male exclaimed as you simply looked over at him.
"Have you not listened to all the times we've told you not to speak to him?" Giyu questioned you, disappointed.
"(Y/n), Adam is a dangerous man. Promise us never to speak to him again." Gyomei told you whilst you got up to leave.

"Whatever." Was all you said before picking up your board. However, as you opened the door, your hand was suddenly seized by Sanemi, him only giving you a scowl.
"(Y/n), please..." The older lady pleaded you, causing you to look away, knowing that if you saw her once more, the guilt of ignoring her would eat you away.
"Sanemi, let go." You sternly commanded him. "I'm going home."

All the hashiras look to you worriedly as your senior let go of your hand. "I'll go with you." The boy merely stated. "Obanai." The said male also got up and approached you both.
"Safe journey, you three." Mrs Ubuyashiki said, waving the group of you off as you only jumped onto your board and skated away, with the two boys not far behind you.

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