Shadows in the Moonlight

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As he sat there, Damian felt the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. The flickering shadows from the fire reminded him of the uncertain future that lay ahead. He picked up a map of the borderlands between his kingdom and Lilith's, tracing the contested areas with a finger, his mind returning to the bitter history that had led them to this point.

The castle's silence was oppressive, broken only by the occasional crackle of the fire. Damian's thoughts wandered to the conversation he'd had with his father earlier that day. King Lionel had been unyielding, insisting that the marriage was their only hope for peace. Damian had argued, but deep down, he knew his father was right. The war had drained their resources and exhausted their people. An alliance through marriage, however distasteful, was a practical solution.

But that didn't make it any easier to accept. Damian had grown up hearing stories of the brutal skirmishes and betrayals between their kingdoms. His own mother had been killed in one such raid when he was a boy, and he had sworn never to forgive or forget. Now, he was expected to marry the daughter of his enemy and welcome her into his home.

Damian's gaze shifted to the pile of correspondence on his desk. Reports from his generals, letters from neighboring lords, and a missive from the council awaited his attention. He picked up one of the reports, but his mind kept drifting back to Lilith. Her defiance at dinner had been a stark reminder that she, too, was being forced into a situation she did not want. Despite his irritation, he couldn't help but acknowledge the strength it must take for her to face this unwanted future with such resolve.

With a sigh, Damian realized it was late. The fire had burned down to glowing embers, and the chill of the night was beginning to seep into the room. He stood and stretched, feeling the fatigue in his muscles. He extinguished the few remaining candles and made his way to his bed, the heavy curtains and thick blankets promising a brief respite from his worries. As he lay down, he tried to push thoughts of Lilith and the heavy burden of his future from his mind, focusing instead on the need for rest. Eventually, sleep claimed him.

Morning came with the first light of dawn filtering through the tall, narrow windows of his chambers. Damian awoke to the sound of the castle stirring to life-the distant clatter of servants, the muffled conversations of guards changing shifts, and the chirping of birds greeting the new day. He rose from his bed, feeling a mixture of determination and lingering frustration.

After a quick wash and donning his attire, Damian made his way to the great hall for breakfast. The castle's grandeur was more evident in the morning light, with its vast tapestries depicting heroic battles and the lineage of his family. Despite the beauty, the weight of responsibility was never far from his thoughts.

He entered the hall to find the long table already set with an array of food. Fresh bread, fruits, cured meats, and cheeses were laid out with meticulous care. Courtiers and advisors were beginning to gather, but there was no sign of Lilith yet. Damian took his seat, nodding to a few familiar faces, and began to eat, trying to focus on the tasks ahead rather than the looming presence of the unwelcome guest.

As he sipped his coffee, his thoughts returned to the upcoming council meeting. It would be their first since Lilith's arrival, and he knew it would set the tone for the days to come. He needed to show strength and resolve, even if internally he felt the strains of doubt and resentment.

Soon enough, the doors to the hall opened, and Princess Lilith entered, escorted by Alaric. She moved with a regal grace, her expression composed but distant. Damian watched her approach, masking his irritation with a polite nod.

"Good morning, Princess Lilith," he greeted her, keeping his tone neutral.

"Good morning, Prince Damian," she replied, her voice equally measured.

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