Chapter 27: New Challenges are Coming

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Chapter 27: New Challenges are Coming

"Lyza, may I speak to you, please?" Professor McGonagall asked at the end of Transfiguration. Alex looked at Lyza confused, but Liz took her arm, dragging her out of the room. I go to follow them, but Lyza gently grabbed my wrist.

"Can you stay with me, please?" Lyza asked. I nodded, seeing the look of both fear and embarrassment in my friend's eyes. We walked up to McGonagall's desk, and our Professor stood up. She pushed her spectacles up her nose before talking.

"Lyza, I'm very sorry you had to endure that terrible incident," McGonagall said. Lyza looked down, ashamed. I squeeze on her wrist. "But I'm not here to apologize, or give you pity. I'm here to help you adapt to your new lifestyle, and help you realize that if you have control, being a werewolf is not bad." Lyza looked up from her embarrassment, and gave McGonagall a small smile. "Professor Snape-" Lyza scowled. "-and Professor Dumbledore are the only ones who know of this transition, as well as I. We will not tell your other Professor's, unless you are comfortable." Lyza shrugged. "Professor Snape will provide your lycanthropy potion, and we will find a safe spot for you to transform when the moon is full."

"Great! Professor Snape would never poison anyone,right? Because he's so trustworthy," Lyza suggested sarcastically. "So I won't hurt anyone, right?"

"Well- yes. And so you have an area to yourself where you can explore your new life," McGonagall explained.

"How long will it last?" Lyza asked. "When it's the full moon?"

"You will transform the night of the full moon, and stay that way for the night. The next day, you will stay in the infirmary for a day to recover- because you will be testy, and tired." Lyza nodded and stared back down at her hands. "You can do this, Lyza. You're one of the strongest girls I know."

Lyza smiled. "Thanks." She began to head out of the classroom, but I didn't follow. Lyza looked back at me confused.

"You go ahead," I said. "I need to talk to McGonagall." Lyza nodded, and disappeared.

"And what can I do for you, Miss. Peterson?" McGonagall asked.

"I want to help Lyza," I said, quickly. McGonagall concentrated on her papers.

"The best you can to right now if give her some moral support," she said, as she signed something. "You seem to be very good at that." I sighed, stressed.

"Well, I want to do more."

McGonagall looked up at me, above her glasses. She pushed them up her nose. "And how exactly do you want to do more?"

I stared at McGonagall, afraid she would disapprove of what was going to come out of my mouth.

"I want to become animagus," I spat out. McGonagall stared at me, speechless. I picked at a loose string on my uniform, waiting for her to say something.

"That..." she trailed off. She stared up at the ceiling. "That may be a good idea."

"Oh, I understand why you wouldn't want me- wait, what? I mean, sorry, excuse me?" I stuttered. Did she really say what I thought she did?

"Lyza will need a guiding hand, and a person with a clear mind when she changes on the full moon."

"So professor-"

"I will teach you. We have to get permission from Dumbledore before we can begin your training and transformation," she explained. "I would train Elizabeth as well, because she is Elyza's sister, but I want her to catch up on all that late work first." I smiled at McGonagall. She was right, Liz had a bunch of work to catch up on.

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