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Crackling fire, stories fly

Underneath a diamond sky
Laughter rings, a nervous beat
Wishing for this moment, bittersweet
Daydream whispers, shy and low
Truth unfolds, a gentle flow
Falling deeper, can't deny
Words get tangled in a sigh
Moonlight magic in your gaze
Friendship blooming in a haze
Maybe reckless, maybe fate
This connection can't wait
City scenes in vibrant frame
Busy streets, a whispered name
Passion's flame, a burning bright
Working close beneath the light
Teasing texts, a playful jab
Secret held beneath a cap
Yearning whispers, can't be tamed
Wishing hearts could be unnamed
City lights paint shadows long
Where we belong, in this sweet song
Maybe foolish, maybe true
These feelings for you, just for you
Memories linger, bittersweet refrain
A story written, whispers in the rain
Words of praise, a melody so clear
A journey shared, casting out all fear
Moonlight magic, a guiding star
Friendship's flame reaching far
Maybe reckless, maybe true
These feelings for you, only you

~Moonlight Magic

"Can I ask you something?" Shubman mumbled.

"Hmm?" Ishan asked.

"So…. I had something I wanted to ask you. Can I?" This time he spoke clearly.

As Ishan snapped out of his daydream, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. The imagined confession from Shubman had felt so real, a reflection of the burgeoning feelings Ishan had been grappling with for weeks. He realized then, with a clarity that took his breath away, that he was falling for Shubman. The way Shubman’s eyes sparkled when he talked about something he was passionate about, his easy laughter, and even the way he moved—it all had an effect on Ishan that he couldn't ignore any longer.

"Yeah what happened?" Ishan spoke.

"Ishan…...I wanted to tell you that I'm gay too and I am so in love with you. Do you want to go out with me?"
"-an... Ishan…... Ishan…... can you hear me? Snap out of your dreamland" Ishan was snapped from his delusional world by Shubman's voice.

"Yeah ….. Sorry I zoned out"Ishan said and after a pause he started again "Were you saying something?"

"Yeah there's something I wanted to ask you."Shubman replied and Ishan hummed as a sign for Shubman to continue.

"Ahh I wanted to ask you if you're free next weekend" Shubman spoke

"Yeah, I'm free," Ishan replied, trying to keep his voice steady despite the rush of emotions. "What do you need help with?"

"Great! I need to submit a project for my class, and I need a photographer for that. Can you help me out?" Shubman asked, his expression hopeful.

Ishan's heart raced. Spending a whole weekend with Shubman sounded like a dream come true, even if it was under the guise of helping with a project. "Of course, I'd be happy to help. What's the project about?"

"It's for my business class," Shubman explained, a hint of excitement creeping into his voice. "I'm working on a marketing campaign project, and I need some high-quality photos to showcase different aspects of a branding strategy around the city. I know your photography skills are amazing, and I think you’d bring my vision to life perfectly."

Ishan felt a warm flush of pride at Shubman's praise. "That sounds incredible. I'd love to be part of it. Just let me know when and where, and I'll be there."

When love lasts - Still with you  (Shubman × Ishan)Where stories live. Discover now