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Before you start reading I wanna say something....so a lots been going on in my life and my head was full of confusions and that's the reason was not posting the next chapter....but now I'm back with a better version of myself and you all will get regular updates from now on!! Yayyy! This is a filler chapter and the actual storyline will continue from the next chapter....Also, I'm writing another Ishman story and I'll publish the next chapter of the story on August 19.... wait for me and please support it:) anyways continue below....
I actually thought I published this part in July but silly me kept it in drafts instead of posting it so now you guys can have double update

Sara and Nishant grew up in a picturesque neighborhood nestled in the heart of Delhi. Their houses stood side by side, separated only by a low fence that they often climbed over to visit each other. Their families had been friends for as long as anyone could remember, and weekends were often spent together, filled with laughter, barbecues, and late-night storytelling.

From an early age, Sara and Nishant were inseparable. They attended the same preschool, where they built their first block towers together and shared their first paint sets. As they grew older, their friendship only deepened. Every day after school, they would race home, dropping their bags at their respective houses before meeting in the backyard to plan their next adventure.

They played countless games, from hide-and-seek to make-believe, transforming their backyard into a kingdom, a pirate ship, or a jungle. Sara, with her vivid imagination, often came up with elaborate stories, and Nishant, with his knack for strategy, would figure out how to make them work. Together, they were unstoppable.

Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor and Mr. and Mrs. Tendulkar, were delighted by the bond their children shared. The two families had been friends since Mr. Kapoor and Mr. Tendulkar met in college. Their friendship had only grown stronger over the years, leading to joint family vacations, shared holidays, and a deep sense of trust and camaraderie.

Mrs. Kapoor and Mrs. Tendulkar often joked that Sara and Nishant were like siblings, and they loved watching the two grow up together. The Kapoors had a successful business in technology, while the Tendulkars owned a thriving modeling and production company. Their professional lives often intersected, leading to collaborative projects that further strengthened their bond.

However, as the saying goes, "All good things must come to an end." When Sara and Nishant were about to complete their primary school, a significant business deal came up that would test the strength of their families' friendship. The Kapoors and Tendulkars decided to collaborate on a large-scale project that would combine their respective expertise in technology and production.

At first, everything seemed to be going well. Plans were drawn up, meetings were held, and both families were excited about the potential of the project. However, as the project progressed, disagreements began to surface. Mr. Kapoor and Mr. Tendulkar had differing visions for the project, and their once harmonious partnership started to show cracks.

The disagreements escalated into heated arguments, each side accusing the other of not holding up their end of the deal. Miscommunications and misunderstandings piled up, leading to a breakdown in trust. The final straw came when a critical deadline was missed, resulting in financial losses for both businesses. The blame game that ensued was fierce, and the once inseparable families found themselves at odds.

The fallout from the failed business venture was devastating. Both families retreated into their homes, nursing their wounds and harboring resentment. Weekend barbecues and joint vacations became a thing of the past. Sara and Nishant, who had been blissfully unaware of the business dealings that had caused the rift, suddenly found themselves caught in the middle of a silent war.

When love lasts - Still with you  (Shubman × Ishan)Where stories live. Discover now