step brother...

773 19 3

short story!!!

jisung was just minding his own business but suddenly someone barged in his room, it was his step brother felix and he was drunk.

he started to walk to jisung and grabbed jisung's cheeks in his fingers and just smirked while looking at all the features of jisung's face.

but then felix was suddenly leaning in towards jisung.

jisung just pushed felix away still in shock.

"dude what the actual hell are you doing!?" jisung shouted.

felix only smirked and walked back towards jisung again and chuckled.

"aw...come on don't be a killjoy~.." felix said and licked his own lips.

jisung was scared, well not like scared scared he was just confused why is felix acting this way?!.

"wha-.." jisung was cutted.

felix was now pinning jisung against the wall with his knee in between jisung's legs.

jisung's hands were pinned by Felix's hand above his head.

jisung was now more scared of his parents just coming in on them like this.

"wha- what if- w-we get caught like this?!" jisung was freaking out.

but then soft lips met his.

felix was kissing jisung...

felix then breaked away from jisung and licked his lips.

jisung was shocked..

"you liked it didn't you~?.." felix teased.


"don't worry mom and dad are away, it's just me and you baby~" felix said and carried jisung to the bed.

felix was now on top of jisung straddling him.

he then began to undress and undressed jisung as well then tying both of his wrist on to the headboard.

he took of jisung's pants along with his boxers.

felix then let his hands wonder on jisung's body.

after teasing jisung he took off his own pants and boxers.

jisung's mouth dropped.

felix was sooo big and long and actually had little bits of freckles springkled on his big fucking dick.

(it was veiny too!)

felix chuckled at jisung.

"have any lube here princess~?.." felix asked.

"in the night stand drawer, the very top.."
jisung replied.

"good boy~" felix said.

felix then grabbed the lube out of the drawer and poured it onto his dick coating it.

felix then aligned his tip in jisung's hole.

"wait!.." jisung said.

felix looked at him.

"yes, princess~?" Felix asked.

"n-no prep?.." jisung asked.

"do you want my dick in already or..."

jisung just nodded.

felix hummed.

"that's my good boy~, so needy~" felix teased.

then he slammed into jisung grabbing a big gasp from jisung.

he then waited for jisung to adjust, and when he was ready he nodded and felix began to thrust in and out of jisung.


"like that princess~?"


"oh~ yeah keep screaming my name princess~"

"AH~ FELIX~ HAH~ NGH! FUCK!~ ah~ hm~ felix!~ "

"feels good huh~?"

"mHM yes~.."

jisung calmed down a little and felix thrusted just a bit slower.

but then felix felt a rush go through him, wanting to feel the pleasure by thrusting into jisung harder and faster.

so then he did, he started to pick up his pace and started to move more faster than before.

this caught jisung in shock, then he started to moan more and louder.


after hearing those moans felix began to feel a knot in his stomach and cummed in jisung without warning.

after feeling something shoot in his hole jisung cummed as well.

the pair was now out of breath..

felix looked down at jisung and just chuckled, jisung looked so pretty even after sex..

felix then washed the both of them and walked downstairs to watch a movie.

after a while they heard the door open to reveal their parentswho smiled at the scene  in front of them.

the two were cuddling with jisung having one of his leg on Felix's lap and his head rested on Felix's shoulder, while felix had his head just above jisung's head while wrapping one of his arm around jisung's shoulder. (they had to keep it halal in front of their parents :> )

please look out for another chapter later on since I think this is gonna take me a while

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